
Evolution Lab Report

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Introduction The reason for doing this lab is to study evolution using small population of finches on two different islands. I used different charts and graphs to find limitations on natural selection. Then find the effect evolution will have on beak and population over a certain time period. Using three different assignments I have to develop different hypothesis comparing and contrasting the average beak size and population size changing rain fall, beak sizes, population and island size on Darwin’s and Wallace experiments. Method I used 3 different assignments: 1, 2, and 4. Assignments 1: I developed a hypothesis to predict that the island with the finches with the larger beak will be able to adapt more rapidly to their surrounding and handle the hard seeds of their island verses the island with the finches with the smaller beaks. I left the primary beak size on Darwin …show more content…

Assignment 2: I developed a hypothesis that predict that if there was a decrease in precipitation, then the population numbers would decrease remarkably then the numbers rise up over the starting population. I left all of the other settings at their initial values, change the rainfall on Wallace Island to 50 cm/year and the rainfall on Darwin Island to the minimum possible value (0 cm/year). Run the simulation for 300 years. Then find the average in the beak size and population. Which values came to be 126.2 for Darwin and 475.3 for Wallace. Assignment 4: I developed a hypothesis to predict what effect an increase in island size will have on beak size and finch populations. I tested my hypothesis by leaving all other parameters at their default values. Selected the Island Size input and use the sliders to increase the size of either. Then I tested the effect of the parameters to influence population size and beak size by designing and running experiments to get my

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