An ever-expanding Federal Government employs agencies to, not only serve every citizen, but most importantly, the President of the United States. History reveals the evolution of the augmentation of Federal Agencies over 100 years. In the beginning, the Executive Branch established a mere five administrative agencies; Department of War, State, Navy, Treasury and the Office of the Attorney General( To date, a staggering 438 federal agencies are listed on the Federal Register of the United States Government. One such agency, the Executive Office of the President, insures the efficiency of functions within the walls of 1600 Pennsyvania.
s the head of the federal executive, the President is in charge of the vast federal bureaucracy. With the power to appoint department and agency leadership, dismiss Cabinet officials, issue executive orders, and control the budgeting process, the President can exercise considerable control over the federal bureaucracy. At the same time, the sheer size of the bureaucracy itself often undermines the ability of the President to influence and control it. By exercising bureaucratic discretion, agencies may mitigate the problems caused by the size of the bureaucracy.
The Executive Branch, which consists of the President, Vice President, and the Cabinet has undergone a major expansion since 1789. The original Cabinet consisted of the Departments of State, War, Treasury, and the position of Attorney General, but has evolved into fifteen positions to meet the needs of the nation (Doc. A). With most new departments, one can pinpoint what sparked it’s development, such as the Department of the Navy being created during the XYZ Affair, a naval conflict between the U.S. and France. Similarly, the role of the
department in his cabinet was the department of state. The Department of State was made to work on foreign policy issues and to negotiate treaties and agreements. The Department of War was another one set up by Washington. It was changed to the Department of Defense in 1947 because the Department of War made it seem like we always wanted a fight. The Department of War was made to have control of all things military. They kept the troops in check and told the president how the troops were acting. The final one Washington made was the Department of the Treasury. The Department of Treasury tells the president the financial state of the United States, commands the Secret Service, and authorizes the printing of the United States Postal Service stamps
When the framers of the Constitution developed our government, they gave Congress the authority to create the departments necessary to carry out the day-to-day responsibilities of governing - the federal bureaucracy. The vast majority of the departments, agencies, and commissions that make up the federal bureaucracy today were created by Congress through legislative acts. Congress is unable to act in a bubble though, due to the nature of the system’s built-in checks and balances, Congress must first get the president’s “buy off” which is represented by his signature. Although Congress has the authority to create these agencies (with the president’s agreement
Most of the specifications for the executive branch in the Constitution, other than how he is to be elected, have to deal with the interactions between Congress and the President. The president can (fill in the blank) but only if (this part) of Congress approves. The powers of the president have been interpreted widely so that he has more power than I believe the Framers intended. They wanted him to be able to check Congress with veto power and be the head of the military. However, I think that presidents nowadays have too much power. They are active in trying force their policy agenda through Congress, manage foreign relations, and act as the administrative head of the entire nation. The textbook lays it out well in, "The vast size of the executive branch and the number and complexity of decisions that must be made each day pose a challenge for the White House.” (316) In order to deal with the stresses put on the executive branch, there are thousands of employees that work to give the president the information that he needs to make decisions. He has advisors, cabinet members, legislative liaisons; the list goes on and on, but he is the person who actually gets to make all of the choices. The President is limited in some ways and given more power in other ways by the structure laid out for him in the Constitution, and evolved to be what it is now.
The Executive Branch is the second portion of the power sharing system and is headed by the president. It consists of his Executive Office, the vice president, and his Cabinet. The duties of the Executive Branch are covered in the second article of the constitution and establish the president as the leader of the armed forces, outlines his ability to make treaties, and develop a State of the Union address. The ability for the Executive Branch to enforce the regulations and laws imposed by Congress lies with the many departments that are delegated the authority to enforce them, for example the Department of Agriculture handles the many different areas of farming and the processing of the food Americans eat. There are many different organizations and the head of each one joins together to form the president's Cabinet in order to inform him on the important issues that may need government attention.
Objective of this paper is to discuss where the following agencies lie in the administrative structure of the federal government:
One branch in the United States government is the executive branch. The executive branch is responsible for implementing and administrating the public policy enacted by and funded by the legislative branch (separation of powers: an overview). The executive branch is also responsible to put laws into operation, negotiate treaties, negotiate taxes, wage war, appoint judges, diplomats, a cabinet and department heads. Through the attorney general the executive branch has the right to prosecute crimes. Also through the police the executive branch has the power to arrest, detain, and search citizens (separation of powers The president is the highest officer in the executive branch of the federal government, with the primary responsibility for enforcing the nations laws (Brannen 160). Executive officials may only be removed from office by impeachment for and
The limits of power on the executive branch are continuously growing and expanding, because presidents have continued to push the boundaries to accomplish their own goals for the nation.
The Executive Branch is run by the President who is commander and chief of the Military. It "carries out federal laws." (World Book 140). It will create regulations that back up the laws that Congress passes. The branch acts as the enforcer of the Government. The executive branch is separated into fourteen departments, each handling a specific Executive business. The head of each department is appointed by the President and approved by the senate. The collection of these departments makes up the Presidential Cabinet. The purpose of the cabinet and its members is as stated,
The federal government role in America from the late 1800s during Reconstruction, up to the early 1900s during the Great Depression, often expanded and contracted in response to the demands of the American public. During this time frame, the nation underwent major changes and faced many challenges in order to get where we are today. As a country, our priorities shifted from being concerned about encounters right in front of us, to encouraging and pursuing a better future for everyone. After years of hard work and dedication, with the help of the federal government, our nation was finally focused on a greater life for all people. Therefore, without both the high and low points of the federal government throughout this period, we would not reside in the homeland we have today. To conclude, the role of federal government has changed over time in many ways, including but not limited to: protecting rights, promoting economic development, encouraging expansion, and providing financial support.
That includes appointees, administrative agencies, and governor. The President has a cabinet, which people appointed by the President, that include a Vice-President and 15 other executive departments. The President cannot create legislation or encroach upon the legislative branch. The legislative branch must approve many of the President appointees (Theodore Lowi).
The executive branch of the Unites States government consists of the President, Vice President, Executive Office of the President (EOP), and the Cabinet (Citation). The President is the highest official of the Executive branch. The powers of the President are wide-ranging and highly substantial but were also drafted in the constitution to be limited by the other two branches of government. The remaining branches of government are the Legislative branch and the Judicial branch. There functions of all the branches are interrelated and the restraints on the amount of power each reserves are also coordinated. This correlation involves the system of checks and balances which was implemented by the framers of the Constitution. The President, as
The president appoints people to head agencies; these people are loyal and have the same ideology as the president. The president can also issue executive orders or simply his word is enough to put an agency into action. The OMB is also under the president so he too can control the amount of money that agencies receive. The president can also reorganize an agency if he chooses. This spread of power is the same way that the founders intended, with the system of checks and balances. The bureaucracy is not under direct control of any branch and it has regulatory and judicial powers that are quasi or semi, these things combined make it safe to assume that the federal bureaucracy is indeed a “fourth branch.”
Congress created another organization for the President. This one was called the Executive Office of the President. One thing that happened was that the Bureau of the Budget, which was in the Treasure department, was moved to the Executive Office of the President. Congress is also responsible for providing the concept of a White House staff for the President to help him with all of the tasks delegated to him. However, the President has had the right to hire many of the people on his staff and the size of the staff changes with every presidency.