
Evolution Of Primate Intelligence For Example Gestation Period, Social Organization And Mating Process

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Primates are said to share at least ninety-eight percent of their DNA with us humans. The reason why we’re so fascinated with studying other primates is because we would like to uncover the hidden secret’s that makes us so similar yet so different at the same time. They give us an idea of how our ancestors may have evolved and where do we begin to separate in our lineage and how far back do we go. They are many different elements that helped shape the evolution of primate intelligence for example gestation period, social organization and mating process. So what exactly is that makes it so different from our primate cousins? Our brain and the size of it! Our brain is more developed than our primate cousins, but how and why is the question. Let’s begin by discussing the parts and function of our brains. The neo cortex is the largest part of the brain and the most important. This part of the brain is divided into four different sections: the temporal lobe, occipital lobe, parietal and the frontal lobe. These four sections are located on either the right or left hemisphere of the brain they are connected by axons that send messages to and fro between both hemispheres and to specific parts of the brain then to the body. Our neo cortex is what makes us so different from our primate cousins. It’s the thing that distinguishes and makes our species so special and different from any other species on the planet. We have the largest neo cortex in relation to body size of all known

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