
Evolution Of Rap During The 80's

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The evolution of rap during the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s until now. Introduction: What is rap? Rap is defined in the dictionary as: “a style of popular music, developed by disc jockeys and urban blacks in the late 1970s, in which an insistent, recurring beat pattern provides the background and counterpoint for rapid, slangy, and often boastful rhyming patter glibly intoned by a vocalist or vocalists.” Which implies that rap is defined by its fast, narcissistic, aggressive, and rhyming lyrics. Simply said rap is talking slightly faster than usual often accompanied by music. Rap originated in ghettos where youth had to deal with gangs, drugs, murders, rape, and racial profiling by the police. This is why rap lyrics are often about violence, drugs, money and sex, which was very controversial and often protested by parents and politicians. In this assignment I will research and discuss the origins and development of rap on a 30-year timeline, as well as the surrounding controversy and internal conflicts of the rap industry. Motivation: …show more content…

It has also played a big role in the way I learned English as I was singing along with the not so age-appropriate songs (most of which were older than me) when I was 8 years old. I wanted to learn more about the origin and development of rap because most of it happened before I was born and the “golden age of rap” basically ended during my childhood. I picked English as the subject; not only because all the songs are in English, but also because a lot of the rap songs can easily be mistaken for one of Shakespeare’s

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