The evolution of rap during the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s until now. Introduction: What is rap? Rap is defined in the dictionary as: “a style of popular music, developed by disc jockeys and urban blacks in the late 1970s, in which an insistent, recurring beat pattern provides the background and counterpoint for rapid, slangy, and often boastful rhyming patter glibly intoned by a vocalist or vocalists.” Which implies that rap is defined by its fast, narcissistic, aggressive, and rhyming lyrics. Simply said rap is talking slightly faster than usual often accompanied by music. Rap originated in ghettos where youth had to deal with gangs, drugs, murders, rape, and racial profiling by the police. This is why rap lyrics are often about violence, drugs, money and sex, which was very controversial and often protested by parents and politicians. In this assignment I will research and discuss the origins and development of rap on a 30-year timeline, as well as the surrounding controversy and internal conflicts of the rap industry. Motivation: …show more content…
It has also played a big role in the way I learned English as I was singing along with the not so age-appropriate songs (most of which were older than me) when I was 8 years old. I wanted to learn more about the origin and development of rap because most of it happened before I was born and the “golden age of rap” basically ended during my childhood. I picked English as the subject; not only because all the songs are in English, but also because a lot of the rap songs can easily be mistaken for one of Shakespeare’s
Rap music has become one of the most distinctive and controversial music genres of the past few decades. A major part of hip hop culture, rap, discusses the experiences and standards of living of people in different situations ranging from racial stereotyping to struggle for survival in poor, violent conditions. Rap music is a vocal protest for the people oppressed by these things. Most people know that rap is not only music to dance and party to, but a significant form of expression. It is a source of information that describes the rage of people facing growing oppression, declining opportunities for advancement, changing moods on the streets, and everyday survival. Its distinct sound, images, and attitude are notorious to people of all
Whether you love it or hate it Rap music has come to be one of the most popular, yet arguable, music genres of the past decades. Today’s rap music has changed enormously since the 1970’s. Rap music was about having fun, being able to express what youth were feeling and a way to keep youth out of trouble. Rap songs usually use explicit and demeaning lyrics, which has huge influence on the youth of today. While rappers say that they’re plainly rapping about reality. They often use violence, the use of drugs and Guns as the main tool to tell the story of their lives and show how hard it is growing up in their neighbourhood. This surely does not set any good examples for the young men and women, listening to this trash and singing along with the
Hip-hop culture began to develop in the south Bronx area of New York City during the 1970s. It had a significant influence in the music industry. Hip-hop music generally includes rapping, but other elements such as sampling and beatboxing also play important roles. Rapping, as a key part in the hip-hop music, takes different forms, which including signifying, dozen, toast and jazz poetry. Initially, hip-hop music was a voice of people living in low-income areas, reflecting social, economic and political phenomenon in their life [1]. As time moves on, hip-hop music reached its “golden age”, where it became a mainstream music, featuring diversity, quality, innovation and influence [2]. Gangsta rap, one of the most significant innovations in
As rap music spread throughout the urban community of New York, many people began to use it as a form of expression that offered unlimited boundaries. There were no set rules, except to be original and to rhyme to the beat of the music. One could rap about the issues pertaining to his or her life or something as simple as a day at school.
Opponents of a later high school start time argue that teenagers won’t really get more sleep, they’ll just stay up later instead. Students have activities and homework after school, and the later start time would just push it later into the night. In “Controversy Over School Start Times,” journalist Laura VanDemark, a staff writer for Mainstream said that a survey from the April 15, 2013 meeting of the Montgomery County Regional Student Government Association general assembly showed that, “only 43% of students believed that a later start time would allow them to get more sleep”(VanDemark). To elaborate, if less than half of the students thought they wouldn’t get more sleep with a later start time, then they probably wouldn’t in reality either. Though it is a valid point, students’ internal clocks, or their
The beginnings of rap are believed to based on African rhythms which were used as a form of communication by the native peoples. The lyrical component of rap music is thought to have been greatly influenced by Cab Calloway with his repetitive chants and scats, along with his call-and-response technique with the audience.
It covers a broad range of ideas, styling and techniques that are unique to specific demographic areas, geographic regions and territories and locales. The following comprises some of the hallmarks of early rap music: * Simple yet dominant percussive patterns * Limited reliance on traditional musical systems of chord, verse, chorus and other formal and/or traditional methods of Western musical structure * Non-traditional utilisation of musical instruments including
Rap music is derived from Hip Hop culture which is deeply rooted in the African American community. The word, rap, has a Middle English origin. Originally, rap means to beat or strike. Beginning in the 1960s, African Americans gave the word another definition. In the black community, rap meant that someone was conversing about everyday life. However, Africans who were captured against their own will would tell stories while playing instruments way before the idea of rap was conceptualized as it is today. The origin of
From it's inception, rap indured a lot of hostility from listeners--many, but not all, White--who found the music too harsh, monotonous, and lacking in traditional melodic values. However, millions of others--often, though not always, young African-Americans from underprivileged inner city backgrounds--found and immediate connection with the style. Here was poetry of the
Dialis Gonzalez 1/30/17 Argumentative Rap Essay Rap is a very distinct genre of music that has many influential and positive factors. It’s factors are able to prevail one’s emotions; whether it is therapeutic or self bolstering. Rap music has lyrical and graphic content that young adolescents can relate to, and it has the potential to positively influence a young adult.
The rap genre originated from some of the most underprivileged areas of New York in the 1970’s. What was once DJ’s talking over a beat they were playing to encourage more activity on the dance floor, turned in to a new genre of music called rap. The majority of earlier rap songs were fun inducing tracks, but in the 1980’s, Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five introduced social consciousness to the genre. They sparked a long lasting impact on rap as it started to evolve rapidly as time went on. The 90’s was home to “gangsta rap,” followed by a softer side of song writing pioneered by the likes of Outkast and Kanye West in the 2000’s. Today, rap music is very diverse and more accepting of different styles than it was before. However, throughout the entire history of rap music, the one thing that has stayed
What really is rap and hip-hop? Rap is the type music that often consists of combining different music patterns, while rhyming, and making your own lyrics on the spot. Hip-hop is another genre of music that is very similar to rap. Hip-hop is a more slower and steady type of music compared to rap. Some famous hip-hop artists are: Drake, Childish Gambino, Kanye West, Chance the Rapper, etc. Where did rap start? Rap originated in the early 70’s in South Bronx, New York. Some of the earliest rappers at the time where: The Sugarhill Gang, Run-DMC, Grandmaster Flash, etc. These rappers basically started rap. After these rappers became popular, other people then followed what they did. Rap then spread to different other places in New York including Brooklyn, Queens, Harlem, and more, which would introduce new rappers like 50 cent, LL Cool J, 2pac, Dr. Dre, and many more. As rap started to evolve into a popular genre of music, it spread all over the country to places like California, Detroit, Chicago, The D.M.V., and many more popular places. At that time more modern rappers started to show up like: Dr. Dre, Lil Wayne, Snoop Dogg, Jay Z, Eminem, and many more. As rap started to get popular, lots of people started to notice it. It would change to way we listen to
Rap music has African roots just like jazz, the blues and rock ‘n’ roll. African slaves sang songs to tell stories about the pain and struggles experienced during slavery. However, music was also a way to celebrate life, love and share tales about the life they had before slavery (Lommel 10). Rap music began in the slums of New York in
Rap music was creating a negative influence throughout the music industry for awhile, it’s agreeable that modern day rap today mostly involves drugs, gangs, violence, money, etc. Although, a lot of it also gives inspiration or at least has that goal being set when creating the music. Most
First, the uniqueness behind rap music cannot be found in any other music. Because rap is lyric driven music, the speed and the pronunciation a rapper uses affects the outcome of the sound greatly. Also rap contains a lot of wordplay and figurative language that makes it complex and meaningful. The difficulty behind making a rap adds a competitive nature that most other genres do not