
Examining Native Americas

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Examining Native Americas in Past and Present
Roughly 16,000- 40,000 years ago a group of nomadic people known as the Paleo-Indians who are the ancestors of the Native Americans followed the herds of animals from Siberia to Alaska across a land bridge called Beringia that connected Asia to North America (Mintz & McNeil, 2013). The land bridge that was used has been covered by water due to the rise of the Bering and Chukchi Seas (United States National Parks Services [NPS], 2014). The timeline for this journey has been in question because nothing was recorded so archeologists have an approximate time this took place. By the year 8,000 B.C.E these nomadic people spread and settled into different tribes throughout North and South America …show more content…

Agricultural based societies began to develop like the Mayans and Aztecs in the South and Moundbuilders and Mississippians in the Midwest (Mintz & McNeil, 2013). At this time people have been living in this new land for more than 10,000 years and living in this newly developed land had become easier and more sophisticated with the increasing amount of crops being used. During this time period many of the cultures developed large complex farms that were being used as a main source of food along with hunting. While hunting and gathering was still heavily used being able to rely on the food they grew was more reliable and they could generate large amounts without having to move around. While become less nomadic the size of the tribes grew and became very bonded together this meant more people working together. The growing amount of local people meant many people knew and lived together and this gave way to large ceremonies and rituals when a person died. At these ceremonies many people came together and would bury the dead and they would smoke herbs and roots out of hand crafted pipes during the burial rituals (Museum of Native American History, n.d.). With less moving they had more time to craft and make objects like pipes and hunting …show more content…

The schools that many Native American students go to are high poverty area schools with low funding so they do not get a good education while there. Although the amount of Non-Native American students that drop out is larger than the amount of Native American students that dropout the student to dropout ratio shows the difference. For the 2009-2010 school year the Event Dropout Rate of Native Americans was 7% while the percent of all Non-Native Event Dropout Rate was only 3% (Statistics on Native American Students, 2014). Along with the higher drop out numbers than all other students’ Native American student only make up .9% of all students attending all Title IV U.S. Higher Education Institutions in 2011-2012 while white students make up 53% of that population (Statistics on Native American Students, 2014). These statistics show that the education for Native Americans is not up to par with the educations for other student

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