When you think of a memorial what comes to mind? A memorial serves as an individual or national symbol of an important event or an important person that affects people of all ages, past and present, in their own ways. A memorial or monument can be made for many different reasons. There are many kinds of memorials such as: memorial plaques, gravestones, crosses, online memorials, statues, sculptures, fountains, and even entire parks. Each type of memorial has its own purpose and own special meaning as to why it was created. For instance when a memorial for a war is in place, it often is for a symbol of peace and victory. The monument of the Heros of the Warsaw Upspring was set up in Poland after world war one. This memorial serves as a grieving
These memorials are in memory of the fallen soldiers and sometimes the soldiers that made it out alive.
The purpose of many monuments is to honor and protect the legacy of some of America's greatest heroes. Kirk Savage in the book Monument
many people create meaningless buildings and sculptures just to please the eye which is why they need to people need to identify reasons a memorial would benefit them.
The responsibility of designing and building a monument is no small feat. After all, the end product is meant to memorialize important, and sometimes tragic events and/or people that have significantly contributed something to society. How does one begin to plan a memorial in the first place? Certainly, it can not be rushed, and can be a very grueling process. Several things need to be considered, including determining the proper location of a monument that suits the people who see it. One must also consider the intended audience and what the monument represents. Of course the simplicity or complexity of the monument structure must also be determined. Along with that, monument builders need to consider the positive and/or negative affects on people viewing the monument. In short, there are three main things that need to be considered when debating how, or even if, to make a monument.
This memorial is very effective in the way the message and symbols are presented. The memorial emphasizes the United States’ side of the war and how it affected the country. The ways the illustrations are depicted are accurate in a sense that it only shows the effects it had to the U.S through symbolism. The way nationalism is used though the symbols are directly connected to the war and the nationalism that is emphasized in that setting. The layout and design is used to help build that intensifying persuasion. Persuasion can be found in many different ways an in the case of this memorial, it is found through the symbols, layout, and materials used to put the WWII memorial together.
People are often memorialized for their deeds. These memorials can be settling a country to being remembered for a great sacrifice. When a monument is considered, size, location, and the material it’s made out of is very deeply thought about. Why place a monument to Kurt Cobain in Wyoming? It doesn’t make any sense. If you build something out of wood, it can be burned away or slowly fall apart over time. These three parameters being up the ideas of how to go about making the monument stand the test of time. Source C to discuss where a monument should be located, Source E to discuss size, and Source F to discuss what a monument should be made out of.
A monument is an solid, carved in statue that is an representation of a person or event that has made an remarkable time in the past. However, there are many different ways to remember a person or event. Memorializing an person or event is a great way to preserve history; because everyone agrees to enormous expensive statue is more entertaining than reading a boring textbook about the person or event. As a matter of fact, every person in American can not remember every person or event in history because there isn’t enough time and space for that. Therefore, a group or agency should consider the three main factors, size, location, and materials when planning or creating an memorial monument of an important person or event.
Source A (Savage) states that memorials are important to some people of our nation. For example, in Source A (Savage), the author states that "In this way the monumental core in Washington functions somewhat like a pilgrimage site, where communities of believers actually come together in the act of occupying a holy site, seeing a relic, reenacting a sacred event" (Kirk Savage). Some people go to the memorials in Washington D.C. to get a sense of how important that person was.
As you travel and visit a tourist location such as Washington D.C. , you see monuments such as the Lincoln Memorial or the Washington Memorial. If you ever wonder the purpose of that monument could be or making and placing history as a view for everyone could see. A memorial can consider, though region, material, how large, and the significance of the stone can mean honor achievement for those who sacrificed the wars.
Memorials have been the displays that represent the past. Many people from when the memorial was built, can go and learn a lot just from where it was placed. Lasting from the years of 1861 to 1865, the great American Civil War was a war that changed United States history. With American’s fighting against themselves, it was a battle in which over six hundred twenty-two thousand lives were lost. With memorials set almost everywhere in the United States, Gettysburg National Military Park has over one thousand four hundred monuments alone!
People can honor a historical figure or event in various ways, such as a film or museum. People may also memorialize events or people with a monument. Monuments help remember great moments of achievement and they pay homage to deep sacrifice. When creating a monument to commemorate a person or event, a group or agency should consider the factors of location, size, and material.
In every culture, respect is a quality that communities embrace around the world. Whether it be to remember a person’s achievement or to provide a sense of connection in a community, monuments link together the present and the past with the motive of respect. Memorials are far more relevant than a seemingly trivial granite monument that one could notice in a park (Source B); they embellish meaning, symbol, emotion, and memories into a collective emblem. In memorializing an event and creating a monument, it is essential for the group or agency to not only consider the basic elements such as the historical significance or size, location, and materials but also to acknowledge the emotional linkage the event or monument may induce through attachment
t is a monument in dedication to the services of a unknown soldier and to the common memories of all soldiers killed in any war.
Accordingly, people raise monuments, create memorials, secure antiques, and fund museums to record and preserve the past events in a country. In accordance with the Merriam Webster dictionary, monuments are structures erected in commemoration of a distinguishable person or event. Nowhere in the definition it is stated that the matter in remembrance has to be praised or is considered a model for the society. As a matter of fact, they only portray people or events that should be remembered, no matter if they are regarded as admirable or detestable. Each and everyone of these objects should be maintained in public view to remind people of their past, especially those from the catastrophic Civil
America has made an obsession out of remembering past events by making monuments, like the Lincoln Monument. These type monuments can be used to teach anyone what their country has been through. This is a method that has been in use since long before America was founded, but America is not immune to the influence of Memorials. America uses memorials to commemorate fallen soldiers, influential leaders, founders of peace, and some of the nations most devastating moments, like 9-11. Some of the most important, and well known memorials in the world can be found in America, such as the Washington monument, Lincoln monument and many others.