
Example Of A Podcast Analysis

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Description This podcast is mainly organized by four acts. One of the main points of this podcast is about Afrofuturism. First act focus on what Afrofuturism is, and what kind of an Afrofuturist campaign is there. Two and four acts are mainly about experiences that black people experienced. Act three showed one song, which is based on underwater mythodology of the 9-s Detroit electro band Drexciya. In act one, Ira and Neil visited Philadelphia to understand Afrofuturism. According to the podcast, Afrofuturism is the way of talking about black people. It shows that how black people live, what their survival skills are. It also challenges stereotypes and negative images of black people. Neil visited Detroit to see some Afrofuturist campaigns. Neil met one afrofuturist, who is …show more content…

His enthusiasm about Afrofuturism was really high, so it was little bit difficult for him to follow his enthusiasm. Neil also met Sam and Rick. They took him a bar Floods. This place was more than 100% for black people, so he was surprised. In act two, He met Azie Dungey who are treated as a slaver and focused on her experiences. People criticized her many times when she was outside. For example, they did not trust that vegetables that are made by her are real. Also, one tall white guy asked her to show where she is branded although she is not. In act three, it showed one song sung by clppng. This song is a sci-fi story about pregnant African women on slave ships. In act four, Neil shared two videos. One is about fighting between two boys, and Miller tried to stop it. He said the beauty of this video is that his acting demonstrated they are not alone. Another video is about cops with black teenagers playing snowball fight. The cop decided they are doing something bad and started threating them. Whereas Miller tried to treat teenagers equally, the cop seemed to bully and

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