
Example Of Activity Theory Paper

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Many aspects of Marion’s life reflect theories we have studied in class. Marion falls under the category of the well elderly. She is involved in social activities when she goes to synagogue, and is involved with leisure activities when she does her knitting. She carries out family responsibilities by caring for her husband and her sister, and still participates in family gatherings. (Quadagno, 2014)
The activity theory accurately relates to Marion’s feelings of retirement. The activity theory says that successful aging is active aging. Studies show that older people who were engaged in productive activities and have social networks are less likely to be depressed than those who are not engaged. Marion describes not liking retirement. She wishes that she was able to get out of the house more, that her friends didn’t live so far away, and that her family would …show more content…

Marion would babysit for her children in a heartbeat whenever they asked, and would spoil the grandchildren and then send them home. Marion left the parenting responsibility to her children without interfering. Marion felt that her parenting was done once her children left home, and while she loved and cared for her children, she had no need to help raise their children. (Quadagno, 2014) Proximity has affected the relationship with Marion and her grandchildren. Her son’s children live 30 minutes away, and her daughters child lives about an hour away. She feels that they live too far away, and that she wishes they would live closer so she could see them more often and be closer emotionally.
When Marion went to work at the drugstore, this was her taking a bridge job. This job was outside of her field of being a teacher, and she took the job before completely withdrawing from the labor force. She is glad that she had this job because of all the great relationships she made and she loved talking to people. (Quadagno,

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