Dr. Tan, you and I had a meeting earlier today (Friday). We talked about your struggles and the possible solutions for you to come back to a good track. Dr. Tan suggested you to rethink about your major. You need to think about your future goals and areas that are of your interest as possible job opportunities. You need to see college as a job, where you come Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. The time you aren't classes you should come to Achieve and work on all your assignments.
You have not submitted your AD 497 yet. You have been working on it since 1:00 today. Yo
You have not submitted your AD 219 assignment yet. Please complete it today. It has been a long day of working, but this assignment is 3 days late. You should submit
The Letter provides, in relevant part: “In order for your application to remain active, you are required to fill out the attached “Person Declaration & Application Supplement Form” and return to my office on or before January 15, 2018.” “If you do not respond by January 15, 2018 your application will be declared inactive and you will be removed from the waiting list.”
This is a follow-up email for Bennie Dugan's enrollment. The application did not process correctly due to the initial receipt date of 10/16/2016 listed on the application. Please forward a copy of the original fax confirmation to 866-802-6062 for validation of the application receipt to process enrollment for Annual election effective
This is a follow-up email in reference to Larry Blankenship's enrollment. The application was pended for validation of Part A that was not listed within the system to process enrollment. A letter was sent for the above information, needed by 9/13/2016. A new application may be sent with an award letter validating Part A to process
Review the sample syllabus and sample rubric under the questions below. Then, provide answers underneath the following questions:
Beginning in 1979, plaintiff Charles Starzynski was employed as program director for Sacramento radio stations KXPR and KXJZ, which are owned and operated by defendant Capital Public Radio, Inc. (CPR).
Thank you for sharing your post. I found it incredible enlightening to read how this assignment worked in a clinical setting with real clients. I enjoyed reviewing your check in questions as well as your choice to integrate a video, which I would assume is helpful for the visual learners and those new to breathing exercises. Through collectively sharing their positive coping mechanisms in response to anger, the participants are able to learn from each other. It is great that you were able to challenge the group to reflect on additional coping skills regularly utilized. It sounds to me that you were coming from a strengths perspective, encouraging them to identify their positive coping skills. This is especially important, because when
and Niesha completed her assignment last. When Niesha completes her assignments she often times receives a perfect score. Signs of learning disabilities may include, taking extended time to complete assignments and using additional effort in comparison the average students. It is possible Niesha has a learning disability. Although, I am not a medical professional and I cannot accurately diagnose learning disabilities. This experience taught me that through close observation, teacher could pick up on their students learning behavior patters. If all students had the same one-on-one attention they received at the lighthouse, then the amount of learning disabilities would be caught at a higher rate.
Thank you for this valuable information ad tips for the quiz. I knew some of the things you mentioned however i didn't have any idea about some. Like clearing cache and cookies before beginning the assignment, i thought it was quiz but this has made me to take it much more serious than i did before. I would remember that. It is good to know before taking my first quiz in UNV104. I wold like to know if your Internet connections goes off automatically and it submit. Is that the end of the quiz for the student?
Just to be clear, do you want us to discuss three different types of programs/sections (covered in Unit 3: Succeeding as an Online Learner) that are available, at our disposal, to help users acclimate to the online learning environment? Thank you for your attention to this matter.
As you have previously request that I must submit the following document to your office within 33 days, or risk a denial for an I-765 previously submitted. Please understand that I am in the process of receiving the I-20 from my school, and its time frame is out of my control.
As soon as I stepped into school of junior year the only words I heard were college and SAT. After my first meeting with college guidance I began questioning my success. My average was about a 70 and that was not getting me into college. For the past two years I was focusing on clubs and commissions and now my grades began to hit me. I knew I had to get to work as soon as possible. I began by putting more time and effort into my schoolwork and putting a break on my commissions, school was my new focus. After my long and tiring 10 hour days of school I would only come back to study for more hours till I felt I knew my stuff at the top of my head. I began to appreciate learning new things and being a studios student. I began to connect to some of my classes and grew a passion for them advanced studio art, nutrition, and English. I became confident with my school work and was able to join new commissions and balance my school work with my commissions. Choices commission was my favorite,helping my peers make the right choices in their lives. It was the same in senior year I was taking Ap psychology and it wasn't the easiest class but it was something I enjoyed and I loved being challenged by some of it. After fall semester of senior year my average was an 83.286 about 15 points higher than my fall semester in freshmen year which was a 68.17. I was thrilled, I felt accomplished, this was a new peak of success for
Please let me know if Account Receivable unit has to submit the quarterly SF-425 filing for the following grant. If the intent is going forward if A/R is responsible for the following function, I would like to schedule a meeting with the appropriate staff and understand the grant and the reporting requirements for competing this
Asian taxes would rise to offset the lost revenue of monies from the factories that have shut down.
The purpose of this assignment is to identify the theories, values and philosophies of care pertaining to own area of practice, describe how the personalisation agenda supports individual choice within service provision, demonstrate understanding of codes of practice and methods of service monitoring, describe the process of marginalisation/stigma and societal responses to de-valued individuals and groups including user involvement and advocacy and finally describe and discuss the principles and process of protecting vulnerable people. Confidentiality and anonymity will be preserved throughout the essay by following the Skills for Health and Skills for Care (2013) Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers. Philosophy means the study of
My work throughout this semester has been a lot different than my work in my current classes. I was able to do fun projects where the assignment did not actually feel like work. For my first assignment of analyzing the arts I got to research an artist that intrigues me. I was able to find an artist that created pictures that involved, and I chose this artist because I love dogs. Through this project I learned a lot about this artist and also many other artists through the presentations of my classmates. My second assignment involved me experience some type of art style. I was able to attend a concert that I had really been hoping to get to go too and this gave me the perfect excuse to attend. I was able to enjoy this concert, but also think about the music elements that I had learned about in class. I think this was a great way to apply what I had been learning about in class. My third assignment was creating in the arts, and I made a water picture that had two boats that were next to a dock. This assignment let me again apply what I have been learning about and also be in charge of what I created. I think this assignment let me be creative. My fourth assignment was creating an art integration lesson plan with a poster. I think this was beneficial because I got to take everything that I have learned about throughout the course and turn it into one project. I briefly showed my lesson on a poster along with my classmates. My lesson plan is about integrating dance, which is not a form that I had focused on for previous assignments. Overall, I think my knowledge about art education has grown. I think I have grown by being more confident in what I create and what I perform.