The behavior that I will be choosing to modify is the increase in studying. This is a behavior that is extremely beneficial to me because I not only learn what I need to know, but I learn how manage time better and how to set my priorities better. Studying is something I need to modify because studying to me is something that is difficult to do, mainly because I feel it is like a chore more than anything else. My mindset on studying is my biggest issue and is the biggest reason studying is a behavior modification I need to increase. The most I want to study a day is at least two hours for at least two classes, so a total of four hours a day of studying. Most of the time when I study, I get sidetracked easily and end up using up time on something else rather than studying. The antecedent of this behavior may be the problem, because I am not putting myself in an environment where I can study the best or potentially learn the best. The consequence of that is that I end up not studying affectively enough for my classes and not doing as good as I would have liked to. …show more content…
When I start to find studying to be boring, I find or do something that is more entertaining to me and compromise time studying for time doing something fun. I put myself in an environment that lets myself do something I find interesting when I do get bored, and as a consequence I lose time in my overall studying time and my focus on the subject I am learning. My mindset starting off when I study a problem too because I see it as a chore and that makes me not want to do it. My mindset for studying is the key that leads to the consequences talked about
I am having a hard time keeping focus on my studies, I am not as aggressive with
One behavior I would like to change is when I veer off into browsing the internet and watch videos when I’m doing homework or when I’m studying. I think if I expel this habit, I will maximize my efficiency for completing homework and processing information while studying to better retain what I’ve studied.
The purpose of the goal staff will be to help a youngster in improving a specific behavior. This goal will be assessed by the staff and they will present their review twice a day on the basis of their observation that they noticed in an individual regarding a specific behavior.
*Since Week 1 was unsuccessful in going to sleep around that specific goal time I changed my project by pushing my sleep goals back 30 minutes for the remaining 4 weeks.
Behaviors, are what people do and say, as humans, we notice how certain behaviors can be desirable but also undesirable. Though behavior modification, a person can attempt to alter a specific behavior by analyzing the behavior, and create a personalized plan to modify the behavior. When analyzing the behavior a person needs to decide if the behavior is either is in excess (to decrease the undesirable behavior) or deficit (to increase desirable behavior). Once behavior is the selected, then the person must decide if they desire to increase or decrease their behavior. Afterwards, the person needs to create a plan of action, this depends on their research design and recording method. The plan action is personalized for each study. Behavior modification allows a person to analyze a specific behavior and use a scientific technique to test if their treatment/intervention will modify their behavior. For example, I choose a target behavior to modify this semester which was studying. I had a behavioral deficit in studying that I desired to address, I wished to increase my time studying by twenty-five percent. My definition of studying was any time (in minutes) that I dedicated to focusing on material necessary for my current classes, some examples are reading material for class, doing assignments for class (homework or essays), and reviewing material for exams (additional reading, notes, or index cards). I wished to address my study habits because I had noticed I felt like I never
Kosloski likes to use positive reinforcements and teach the students that if negative attitude or actions are used that they will be punished. These developments for the children tend to fall under the theorist that believes in behavioral modification, which is B.F. Skinner. On the right edge of the white board, Kosloski has a behavior chart. Each students name is on one pin and all pins are in the middle of that chart. The middle means that the students are doing what they are doing and listening to others and the teacher. For positive reinforcement or reward for the students is if they go above and beyond on task, the teacher will tell them to move their pin up the chart. An example would be one time a little girl put up all the chairs
Charter schools serve students better than public schools because charter schools have a lot to offer. If parents send their children to private school they would have to fork out the tuition bills themselves. Since charter school financing is taken care of by the public, parents don’t need to worry about having enough money to send their children to school. So many families that cannot afford to enroll their children in private schools can have the option of sending their children to charter schools. The public financing that charter schools receive makes it free for all families. Many charter schools have special interest classes and give students a choice to choose classes such as the performing arts. Those students that attend these
Hallucinogens act as sympathomimetic agents, producing effects resembling those resulting from stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system (e.g., excitation, increased energy, distortion of the senses). Therapeutic medical uses for lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) have been proposed in the treatment of chronic alcoholism and in the reduction of intractable pain, such as terminal malignant disease and phantom limb sensations. At this time there is no real evidence of the safety and efficacy of the drug in humans. Examples: LSD, mescaline, phencyclidine (PCP).
Behavior Modification, a psychological theory of human behavior. It evolved from the application of experimentally derived principles of learning to the modification of problem behaviors. The theory is based on a psychological model of human behavior that rejects the psychoanalytic or quasi-disease model of mental illness. Approaches to behavior modification assume that abnormal behavior is acquired and maintained in the same manner as normal behavior and can be changed directly through the application of social-learning principles. Assessment procedures focus on describing how an individual behaves, thinks, and feels in specific situations. Treatment methods are derived from the theories and findings of
One thing that I began doing was over studying- whether that be for a 50 point exam or a 5 point exam. The week before such an exam or quiz, I would start studying and preparing myself as soon as I would arrive home, usually around 3:30 p.m. If I were to start any later than this time, I would start intensely panicking and thinking about how I would loose my 4.0 by not having enough time to study. Even if I covered every possible thing that my teachers would tell us to cover, I would not feel content with my preparation if I didn’t stay up until at least 4:30 a.m. I would often skip lunch or eat minimally to maximize the time that I would have to study.
531). If one has a specific phobia, they need to be exposed to their fear instead of thinking the anxiety-provoking thoughts away. The fearful thinking may come back once they are exposed to the fear. Therefore, people with "tangible" anxiety should be exposed to their fears by gradual exposure. Using gradual exposure, "clients proceed gradually at their own pace through a series of real-life encounters with phobic stimuli" (Nevid, 2015, p. 532). When they encounter their fears one step at time, they may become less afraid. They will probably not be fully cured immediately, but they may be able to conquer each step of the fear. By confronting the fear slowly, they may eventually be able to overcome the actual
For example, I don’t study as hard for a test as I should. I study for two hours; When it is time for the test, I remember half of my notes. Sometimes, I do not even look over my notes till ten minutes before the test. I study late at night, which makes me very tired. Over the years, I have gotten better grades on homework and daily work. However, I still need a lot of work on the way I study. Another thing that I need to work on is getting them done sooner.
Furthermore, although you are interested in a subject and your are really trying to concentrate, but it could also interrupt by distraction. You cannot control over some distraction but the are some other ways to control. You may choose the place and time of study. In order to study efficiently, we need to have a place used for study. More wisely, set your timetable to plan your work and study. The kind of timetable will depend upon on your class schedule, study time and social activities. We should try to follow the rule of plan your work and work your plan.
As a student, I have gone through situations such as when I would not focus in long lectures and would abhorrence individual studying
One of the problems I have always had as a student was procrastinating. I have recognized that it was an issue before, but I never decided to do anything about it. For my behavior modification project my goal was to reduce procrastination. I chose this behavior because I wanted to make my assignments easier. I figured if I stopped starting my schoolwork at the last minute my work would be less difficult, and maybe my grades would be better. I was really hoping that this self-modification project can make me a new and improved student. To collect my data over the two-week period I used a journal. The first week was baseline data, and the second week was treatment data. In my journal I wrote down each time I started doing an assignment, and put the name of the assignment along with the date it was due next to it. Below the next section I included a chart summarizing the data I recorded in my journal.