List some examples of feedback conveyed by an audience, and identify each one as positive or negative. Some examples of feedback conveyed by an audience is listening while the speaker is talking. This is a positive form of feedback for reason being it can let the speaker know that the individuals are paying attention to him/her. Secondly, noise is an example of feedback that can be destructive during a speech it can interrupt the speaker and possibly lower their self esteem more to the extent where their nervous antics come back even worse. Body language as well can influence the speaker in which they can see their audience’s facial expressions, posture, and gestures they are conveying throughout the speech. When do you think positive feedback
All feedback needs to be concerned and supportive; it needs to include both negative and positive feedback. Positive can help us feel good about our self and positive about our skills that have been observed. However to develop further we need negative feedback to make improvements and grow as individuals, and
Many of the systems in the body are delicate. They function only under a specific range of parameters.
Our Supporters: most times their supporters do not come through from the assignment (Department of Canadian Heritage)
Heathfield, S. (2014). 360 Degree Feedback: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Retrieved from:
In communication, feedback is the response that listeners /audiences provide to the sender of the message or speaker. It is a cue to the speaker to modify or regulate the message. Thus, feedback can take the form of verbal or non-verbal responses. Also, Audience feedback whether positive, negative or neutral, serves as an indication of the level of impact or value the audience attach to the speech in style, content and presentation in general.
1. Assume that you have 100 years of continuous temperature records from your local weather service office. Discuss some of the difficulties you might have trying to determine whether average temperatures have increased during this period.
1. Positive and negative are the two types of feedback mechanisms. 2. Stimulus - Is a change in an organisms environment to cause a response. ex.
Feedback loops are a complex and integrated control network within the body. There are negative and positive feedback loops. The negative feedback loops are the most important and most prominent feedback loops in the body. When mistakes occur in the feedback loops diseases like diabetes can occur. Without feedback loops working properly the body can lose the ability to produce insulin or the ability to register produced insulin.
With metalinguistic feedback, the teacher does not provide the correct form but “comments, information, or questions related to the well-formedness of the student’s utterance” as Lyster and Ranta (1997: 47) states. Metalinguistic feedback is a corrective feedback form of implicit correction which implies ways of negotiation of form without explicitly providing the correct form. It generally provides either some grammatical metalanguage that refers to the nature of the error or a word definition in the case of lexical errors. It can also be body language which involves non-verbal cues such as facial expressions or hand movements to indicate errors about word order or tense. (Lyster and Ranta, 1997). For example:
If the feedback is questionable then it becomes useless because it is not trusted. Positive and negative feedback will be more readily accepted if it is kept even, if it is more of one then it may not be received well by the learner for reasons that become obvious within the learner’s behavior or work.
Therefore, feedback is designed to provide useful information to participants to help develop and improve them as leaders. It should not be used to hurt participants or make them feel bad; however, feedback is needed for improvements and coaching in order to move them to the next level. According to Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy (2015) “The skill of giving constructive feedback, however, inherently involves actively giving feedback to some else. Getting helpful feedback is essential to a subordinate’s performance and development. Without feedback, a subordinate will not be able to tell whether she’s doing a good job or whether her abrasiveness is turning people off and hurting her chances for promotion (p.444).”
Auditory feedback was discovered by Bernard lee and Jersey engineer after around the 1950’s. It is consider by people the interaction between air and bones because those two factors are the only ones needed to produce speech. The way people hear themselves it’s not the same as other people hear them. By the use of delay feedback also known as DAF effect has helped people with stuttering problems sound more fluently. Even though auditory feedback can make fluent people sound disfluent by the DAF effect, the accidental discovery of auditory feedback in a way has helped communication
My audience, because they are close friends and family members felt they same pride and gratification as I did. I believe that they enjoyed the speech because they were able to relate and agreed with the message of my essay. 2. Discuss in detail how your verbal and non verbal communication were used to help you inform the audience.
Positive feedback is linked to negative feedback because it purposely stops the body from doing something when it is necessary. For example when a baby is nursing, the baby itself is sucking on the nipple which triggers oxytocin to be released into the blood of the mother for milk to be discharged. In the autocrine control system the release of milk is determined by the baby's appetite. Inside the inner walls of the alveoli are what is known as lactocytes which is part of the process for creating breast milk. Also packed finely in the walls are found to be prolactin receptor sites. This targets the prolactin found inside of the blood stream and signals it to move into the lactocytes. When the alveolus becomes full of milk, the walls expand,