
Example Of Metafiction In Literature

Decent Essays

Metafiction has been celebrated as a defining feature of contemporary literature. The difference, however, remains in the orientations that delineate the modern and postmodern execution of it. Metafiction does not only expose the process of creativity, but it also reflects the dilemma surrounding its nature. It is a model for a self-referential critical assessment and sometimes a metaphor that encompasses the novel in which it is featured as well as the novel as a genre. All of them overlap to create a kladescopic overview of the environment surrounding the production of fiction.
This thesis has attempted to compare the use of metafiction in modern and postmodern novels. The current study has focused attention on the techniques used to evoke metafiction as well as maintaining it throughout narrative structure. It had the aim of fore fronting the role of metafiction in demonstrating the mechanisms governing the production and reception of narrative. It has embarked on the significance of its usage in relation to the conditions surrounding literary production. However, when Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and Swift’s Waterland are examined, the difference between the objectives of employing metafiction is illuminated. The research has put forward a tentative explanation of the part metafiction plays in breaking the illusion of reality and exposing the work’s factiousness. The current thesis has gone some way toward understanding the manifestation of metafiction and its objectives. The focus that united the comparison is a concentration on exposing the novel’s artificiality. The difference, however, resides in the orientation through which this metafiction is materialized.
To the Lighthouse stands for the modernists’ emphasis on the importance of narrative techniques. Therefore, it is taken as a medium that exposes the nature of narrative. Woolf’s use of free indirect discourse stimulates the reader’s awareness of the text’s artificiality. It draws attention to the illusive boundaries between the voice of the author and that of the character. The role of third-person narrative is undermined as multiple voices penetrate the narrative. Free indirect discourse create double meaning where the voice can be

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