I am an imaginative, flexible and open minded Nutrition Science student with experience and skills in health promotion, nutritional analysis and effective communication with a diverse group of people. Motivated and productive, currently working part time and self-studying biochemistry, with plans to further develop acquired skills and knowledge by starting a nutrition based degree in September 2015. I pursue my passion in food and ingredients, especially desserts, by attending conferences such as Food Matters Live (London, 2014) but also by cooking/baking at home and experimenting with recipes to make them budget and health friendly.
I have good theoretical knowledge about health, nutrition, psychology and physiology, as well as, a number of practical skills. These include: measurements of body circumference/ body fat, cholesterol and glucose level, analysis of the diet (using WinDiets software), providing detailed explanation of impact of the diet on the human body and writing accurate reports. These will be of a great use when I start to advice people on their diets. As part of my degree I also had a chance
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The main aim of the experience was to tackle issues of manufactured food’s overconsumption and small variety of fresh products in children’s diet. I provided creative and affordable healthy meal ideas in order to encourage parents to eat healthier. I adapted the theory learned at university when giving advice on healthy eating, and what is even more important, I have effectively evaluated the needs of community and provided appropriate health promotion. The positive feedback from parents and co-workers showed me that my innovative ideas for healthy food promotion, are well tailored and individualised. Since the healthy eating promotion included preparation of food/snacks and appropriate leaflets, I have an experience in using my creativity and ICT skills in a professional
Over the past two years I have taken 2 trips with the Utah 4-h. One of the trips was to Denver Colorado for a national competition from winning with my team at state in the consumer bowl. Just recently I went Washington D.C. for a Maker Summit which targets teaching teenagers and the STEM program. On these trips I missed multiple days of school. From doing this I experienced setbacks in my classes and risked failing a few important classes at the end of the term. This became an issue that I needed to solve quick. The end of the term was weeks away and the mounds of homework became mountains. I made a plan of action and broke down the piles of homework and worked hard to manage my time and complete all the assignments. Doing this brought many
Childhood obesity is a condition involving the excessive accumulation of body fat that has negative effect on the health of the young individual. It is a worldwide epidemic affecting 1 in 4 Australian children (AIHW, 2012). There are many factors that could lead to a child becoming obese, including, the general lifestyle of their family (Diet and physical activity), their communities attitude towards health and wellbeing as well as their own knowledge on healthy habits. Advertising for healthy living in Australia is vital to get the message out to parents and children of how important healthy habits are. Campaigns such as 2 Fruit & 5 Veg and the Crunch & Sip programs in primary school come across in a way that is easy for kids to understand
This can be extremely useful for people wanting to make lifestyle changes regarding nutrition and fitness, especially those aiming to lose weight and become healthier overall.
Hey, everyone! As some of you might know, I just recently lost a lot of weight (245 pounds down to 175 pounds) due to proper nutrition and fitness habits. I've started to become really passionate about taking care of myself and educating myself about nutrition, and I've really been wanting to help others. I'm not a bodybuilder or anything like that, I'm just a college student trying to stay healthy and keep physically active.
In the article “Attacking the Obesity Epidemic by First Figuring Out its Cause”, the author shares her experience of how the food industry has changed. She explained that when she was younger, she never remembered
I am currently on track to complete my degree in Nutritional Science. Once completed, I hope to settle in to an important role as a nutritionist. Exactly what environment I am hoping to work in, I am not yet certain. As a nutritionist, it would be my responsibility to plan and conduct nutritional programs that assist in promoting good health and control of diseases. Responsibilities may include supervising food service departments, counseling individuals, or conducting nutritional research.
Funerals are an event that everyone has to experience at least once in their lives. For the most part here in the United States funerals are mainly carried out in a similar fashion no matter the religion. But what about funerals in other countries? Do they have the same customs we as Americans do? This paper will take a closer look into the funeral customs of other countries around the world.
My stereotype is “women’s are organized than men’s.The people who created the ziploc bags was johnson and his son.This creator of this image is sending the message that women’s are organized than men’s. In 1968 there was a fashion show that said “women are organized than men's.There was a lot of events during 1968 for example apollo8 and u.s. athletes take stand at the summer olympics.
My daily caloric intake was a little under my recommended daily amount. I am trying to lose weight so I tried to stay under the daily recommended amount. Though, if I had wanted to stay closer to the amount given I could've had a more substantial breakfast on both days I chose to record.
The impact of nutritional value in our food directly correlates with the well being of the human body. It is vital that health professionals educate themselves on the quality of food sources and understand the importance of what people consume. Every day, all across the world, people wake up and one of the initial decisions people make relate to food. Everything manufactured for human consumption is not always a healthy option to promote an excellent well-being.
Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to do something special in life. I was born in a small village in Mexico where public health and education were very limited. In 1996, my family and I got the opportunity to move to the United States. This move brought me closer than I had ever thought possible to accomplishing my dream of becoming a registered dietitian and working in public health nutrition. I have always valued my education because where I am from it was really difficult to study beyond middle school. Here, in the United States, I have gotten the chance to further my education beyond high school.
When I started my college journey I wasn’t sure how, but I knew I wanted to help people. After completing a nutrition course and I was amazed by the impact that nutrition has on the human body. It was then when I decided to pursue a career in Dietetics, I wanted mycareer to be applicable to my personal life. because I wanted to study something that would be applicable to my daily life. My family has struggled with Hypertension and Diabetes for a number of years, which also motivates me to learn about disease prevention through nutrition. I am passionate about nutrition and helping others achieve a healthy lifestyle and wellbeing through a healthy well balanced diet. I enjoy being exposed to new things that can expand my knowledge (move to a
I am interested in the area of Nutrition and Graphic Design areas because I have the passion for helping others on improving on living a healthy lifestyle. My passion for health is matched only by my love for helping others and my inspiration from my father who passed away on Christmas day 2017, so my decision to specialize as a health educator and nutritionist comes from the heart. I hope to influence many people to live a healthy lifestyle, such as eating a healthy balanced meal, exercising daily and promoting well being health. This internship will help me attain them, I am very excited about my future and believe that with the opportunity your intership will provide, I can help many people and decrease the number of people being ill. I
800 Word Essay Food, health and medical technologies have a large impact on individuals and communities today and in the future. Throughout this paper, discussion will involve the issues that society faces regarding food and health and how we can create a healthier and safer world for our future. The food industry has a large impact on individuals and will affect wider communities in the future. The rush of today’s society has pushed food production to become more commercialized with prepackaged/premade based foods. For numerous reasons such as time, work and costs of living, people are wanting meals that are cheap, fast, easy and don’t require much effort.
Junk food, junk food, junk food is around all corners of schools. Chocolate, cookies, soda, potato chips, and Sour Strings may sound delectable to some people, but are they nutritious? Some people wonder if there should be a change. Encouraging exceptional nutrition in schools is essential by reasons of students will consume foods that are better for them, schools will pay less for meals, and fewer students would go hungry.