
Example Of Probabilistic Approach

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Probabilistic Approach
In addition to univariate analysis and discriminant analysis, researchers also tried to explore probabilistic prediction of corporate bankruptcy. Zavgren (1985) opined that the models which generate a probability of failure are more useful than those that produce a dichotomous classification as with multiple discriminant analysis.
Option to Default Methodology
Merton (1974) applied the option pricing method developed by Black and Scholes (1973) to the valuation of a leveraged firm and relates the risk of default to the capital structure of the company. According to this model, “The firm’s equity can be seen as a European call option on the firm’s assets with a strike price equal to the book value of the firm’s liabilities. The option like property of the firm’s equity follows from the absolute priority rule with respect to which the shareholders can be seen as residual claimants with limited liability. This limited liability gives the shareholders the right but not the obligation to pay off the debt holders and to take over the remaining assets of the firm.”
Logistic Regression
Martin (1977) used the logit model for bank failure prediction. Later, Ohlson (1980) developed O – Score model to predict failure for companies using conditional …show more content…

ID3 uses entropy to measure the values of each attribute. After that it derives rules through a repetitive decomposition process that minimizes the overall entropy. Messier and Hansen (1988) used ID3 to derive prediction rules from loan default and corporate bankruptcy cases. The loan default training sample contained 32 firms with 16 in each group (default or non-default). In the corporate bankruptcy case, the training sample contained 8 bankrupt and 15 non-bankrupt firms. For the holdout samples, the rules derived by ID3 correctly classified the bankrupt/non-bankrupt firms with perfect accuracy and 87.5% accuracy for the loan

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