
Example Of Rhetorical Analysis

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POP, 1. POP, 2 . POP, 3. It was at that moment that an american terrorist finished his magazine of bullets that he had aimed at all of children and teacher in sight. His assault rifles have firing off at least 20 bullets before he had to reload. The children scattering, hiding and cowering in fear as he began to reload and search for more victims. This has happened one to many time in the last 10 years of american history. Some of the biggest incidences being Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech & the Parkland High School Shooting. However no changes were made to our current gun laws to stop this from happening again. The people of this country are tired of seeing innocent children being dragged away in body bags. Two-thousand eighteen is the year that the children and adults alike took to the streets and …show more content…

Not only is it distressing that someone so young is worrying about an event that we hope will come only after a long and happy life, but the fact that he is worried because it could be an actual reality. You can also see in the boys eyes that he is aware of how serious this situation is. This is all one aspect of why this piece has such a moving rhetoric. It has such a strong pathos type argument because we see kids as innocent and trusting beings. This message is intended for congress to see and feel compelled to help with this crisis. This message should connect with congress well because of the related feel of the message. It is evident that a majority of congress is composed of straight, white, able bodied, males and this is what this little boy conveys through this photograph. Not only could this be any one of them but it could be their son, who is scared for their life. Because currently in the United States, at anytime someone could come into their school with an automatic weapon and potentially kill them or their friends and

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