Sphero project My class did a big project that included partnership, working together, and constructing an idea. What we had to do for this project was use rubber bands and put them on the Sphero in any way to make it go faster in water. But this was also a really fun project to do. What we had to do was get the Sphero across the water first to win the race. How did my group put our rubber bands on? Good question. Well we basically put rubber bands covering the whole sphero. Except we left a few openings. We used about 25 rubber bands. What we were originally going to do was put 25 rubber bands in an x. Then it went slower than it actually does without rubber bands. So we tried plan B. But that didn't end up working. So we tried plan
The goal of the beam project is to design and construct a beam that can hold a given amount of weight without breaking. The beam is required to hold a concentrated load of 375 lbf on the X-axis and 150 lbf on the Y-axis. The maximum allowable weight of the beam is 250 grams. The maximum allowable deflection for the beam is 0.230 in. and 0.200 in. for the X and Y-axis respectively. The beam is required to be 24 in. in length, and it will be tested on a simply supported configuration spanning 21 in. All calculations are to be done under the assumption that the density of basswood is 28 lbm/ft3 and the modulus of elasticity for basswood is 1.46x106 lbm/in2. Given the constraints of a spending cost of $10.50, a maximum beam weight of 250 grams,
The 183d Wing Sponsorship Program ask directed by 183 FW INSTRUCTION 36-2607 defines that each member will be assigned a sponsor normally from the same section as the recruit. The Sponsors responsibilities are to ensure the member is familiar not only with the base operations, but also the sections operations. Ideally each recruit would be able to shadow their sponsor each drill; however, due to the unique mission of the 183d ACOS, this can hinder the drill training schedule. In order to maintain the drill training schedule and meet the intent of the sponsor program, the ACOS will need to establish a training schedule in which to foster a welcoming environment for new members prior to their receiving a security clearance.
Serving others is a down deep way of learning more about yourself and helping others to see past themselves. Our Business and Professional Communication class participated in several service projects, which were interesting and exciting to be involved with helping others. As I am studying the major courses of Early Childhood/Special Education, our group project with the “Big Brothers Big Sister” program was very memorable to me. It was wonderful to have fun and participate in various activities with the kids. The environment was caring due to everyone helping each other accomplish different tasks. It was a great feeling to be able to share our time, talents, and hearts with the kids.
Why would anyone consider Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)? It’s a scenario that’s seen all too often—a chronically ill woman is suffering in severe excruciating pain daily and feels like she’s become a burden to her family, a lonely man is suffering with a life-limiting illness and has no family to offer any care or support to him. These individuals have lost their independence and feel like they have no quality of life left to live.
2- Need survey => Set product specs => Equipment Rehab => Production Trials => Quality Trials => Quality Metrics => Quality Training => Prepare
On April 16 2018 was the best day ever we got to do a sphero SPRK+ race! My team one! My team member helped with a lot. Her and I looked an YouTube, google and we found nothing. But when we looked on sphero edu we found that a person was doing a rubber band project just like we were doing in class so on her project it said “ When doing this project I realized that when you use rubber bands that can make traction and the rubber bands will be pushing the the water”. So the next day we tried it with the 12 rubber bands and it went very very slow! After that we just keep adding rubber bands until we had 40 rubber bands on the sphero. So then we tried it with the 40 rubber bands and it worked it went super fast! Then on the day of the race we won
Effecting Change Information Technology: Why is the Healthcare Industry sluggish to upgrade their Hospital Information Technology Systems?
There are multiple problems that have to be solved. The first problem is that Obama care is focusing on making sure everyone gets health insurance. First of all, you do not want anyone to force you to get something? No! Because you know what is right and wrong for you. Obama care is a force and I think everyone can make his or her own decision if they want insurance or not. From my own opinion, I think the only solution to this problem is to let people decide if they want to enroll or not. From this, money will be saved and people can decide for their best in health decision. If we all make a change to the issue, I think the society will be happier.
There are a number of factors that contribute to the impact of the nursing shortage.
Each day in the United States, Americans send over 53 million children, approximately 20 percent of the population, off to school with little no issues (Safer Schools Ohio, nd). Keeping our children safe has become an immense undertaking for school districts. Many districts around the country have chosen to partner with local police agencies to provide school resource officers (SRO) in their schools. For many, the additional security is welcomed by parents, however, there are others that claim officers in the school leads to more arrest, suspensions, and the school-to-prison pipeline. This paper will discuss the history of the SRO program, the duties of the SRO, and the impact the SRO program has had on school
Your signature below indicates acceptance of this proposal and its terms. This proposal is accepted and forms an agreement between Excelsior Community College and ABEORJ’.
My apologies for the delay in response. In the past we only collected the data and presented what the manager sent us to David. What I can do is reach out to the managers and ask them to verify the year end performance fees. However, in the interest of time, should you have the yearend statements from the managers, I can help pull the performance fees from these into an excel template for you (The manager do not send us the month end statements. We only get the beginning NAV, end NAV, and Cash flows from State Street). As for getting the 2016 performance fees, it is dependent upon if the data is available. When you have a moment, please let me know how you would like me to proceed.
CUE PROJECT // DESIGN CONCEPT In my cueing project I chose to work with the TV Song by the Blue Man Group. At first listen I had no idea where to start, but after a few listens I closed my eyes and saw myself raising off the ground into space, passing planets as I ascended. After looking through some research images I knew I wanted to put my vision into motion. I first gathered some looks for my first cue, representing still on the Earth’s ground.
In my microbiology course, professor Brem assigned the class to complete a project based on an unknown organism with a partner of our own choice. We had to perform multiple of tests and create selective/ differential plates in order to identify what our unknown organism was. The unknown project had an impact on my learning, critical learning, and problem-solving skills. I will be discussing each of which in the upcoming paragraphs using my Bio 295 unknown project as a model.
General Foods Corporation is an organization that manufactures consumer food products. The corporation is "organized along product lines in the United States," including Post, Kool-Aid, Maxwell House, Jell-O, and Birds Eye. Their customers are retail consumers.