
Example Of Technical Evaluation

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Technical evaluation Norms The WJIII is a standardised sample consisting of 8818 individuals ranging in age from 2 to 90 years old and taken from over 100 geographically diverse communities from the U.S. and stratified to match the U.S. population. The sampling was selected based on community and subject variables such as community size, gender, race, education and occupation (Blackwell, 2001; Schrank et al., 2002). Reliablity Test reliability is the degree which an assessment tool produces consistent results the are free of measurement errors while test-retest reliability is the reliability of obtaining the same results twice over a period of time (Cozby & Bates, 2015). Reliability for all tests except the timed and multi-point …show more content…

The correlations between these tests and the WJIII are between the medium to high range suggesting that the WJIII is measuring cognitive and achievement abilities similar to these tests (Blackwell, 2001). Reviewers’ Comments Cizek (2003) in his mental measurements yearbook (MMY) review commented that the WJIII was developed according to relevant professional standards and provides excellent reliability and validity evidence. He agreed with the WJIII authors that they are justified in their claims that it provides more precise measures and wider coverage of cognitive abilities than found in other similar systems. However he highlights there is room for improvement particularly in the technical and examiners manuals, which would be improved if they included examples of Compusure outputs and interpretations and also specific examples of diagnostic indicator along with recommended interventions. He also noted that the content validity for the WJ ACH needed to be strengthened, as this was an area of weakness. Overall Cizek (2003) concluded that the WJ III is a superior psychometric instrument for those that require individual norm-referenced cognitive and

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