
Examples Of Abigail Williams In The Crucible

Decent Essays

The Tragic Hero of The Crucible

In The Crucible, there are many characters to choose as a tragic hero. John Proctor fits the very description of a tragic hero. He goes from a well-respected man who owns a farm to a man who is convicted of witchcraft and sin. He has a chance to redeem himself, but he must confess his secrets and release himself from what he hates the most: hypocrites. As all tragic heros are born, John Proctor come with an undeniable tragic flaw; his physical attraction to Abigail Williams. Abigail Williams is an underage house-keeping girl, whom John Proctor committed adultery and lechery with while his wife was ill. John is unable to free himself from the shame he feels with her and avoids her at all costs, even

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