
Examples Of Abuse Of Power In Animal Farm

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A Savage Attack on the Misuse of Political Power What do pigs have to do with ruthless, tyrannical, Russian leaders? More than you think in George Orwell’s novella, Animal Farm. Orwell does a magnificent job retelling the story of Soviet Communism during the late Nineteen-Tens to early Nineteen-Twenties. Animal Farm illustrates the abuse of power and how corrupt it is through the actions of the pigs. The corruption starts off when Mr. Jones, the neglectful master of Manor Farm, is run off the farm by the animals. This action relates to the overthrowing of Tsar Nicholas the second. From there, the pigs, Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer take immediate control. They make seven commandments that the animals have to abide by which turns into one simple maxim that …show more content…

Snowball symbolizes Leon Trotsky during the Russian Revolution, and Napoleon running Snowball off the farm symbolizes when Joseph Stalin banned Leon Trotsky from the Soviet Union. From there, Napoleon runs the farm the way he wants it, manipulating the seven commandments bit by bit. Napoleon executes the other animals and makes them confess to various crimes, just like Stalin. Historian say “…he ruled by terror, and millions of his own citizens died during his brutal reign.” While Napoleon is living the life, drinking, living in the human house, slaughtering animals, and sleeping in beds, he sends out Squealer who spreads propaganda to the animals about how hard Napoleon is working. Little do the animals know, Napoleon is changing Animal Farm for the worse. The pigs are now trading with humans, acting like humans, and finally the pigs are walking like humans which results to the sheep now bleating “Four legs good, two legs better” (134). By the end of the book when the animals look into the farm house at the banquet, the animals see no difference between the pigs and the

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