
Examples Of Academic Integrity

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My definition of academic integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching. A good example as it relates to the real world would be speeding. If the speed limit is seventy and a driver is going eighty, the driver is breaking the law. Even though there is not technically a law against breaking the academic honor code, doing so would be breaking a moral law.
According to the Baker academic honor code, there are several forms of academic dishonesty including cheating, plagiarism, fraud or deception, or altering grades (Baker College, 2015). All of these examples are breaking the speed limit. I cannot understand why someone would purposely cheat, plagiarize, or be dishonest when it comes to their education. The student would …show more content…

I intend to avoid plagiarism by always citing another author's work.

Today's world allows one to access information with a click of a button. While doing research, one must always consider where that information is coming from and the accuracy of that information. I used to have to go to the library to find information. The Internet allows one to find information on anything in a matter of seconds. Information is available twenty four hours a day. If access at home is not immediate, most local cities have a library where one can go to use a computer and have Internet access.

There is also a negative side to the Internet. There are no rules for what gets posted or how accurate that information is. This can prove disastrous when using references for an essay or research paper. The sheer volume of information available can also be an issue. With the ease of use of the Internet, it gives dishonest students access to papers written by another, allows students to cheat by looking up answers, and can prove to be a challenge for the instructors. To combat these issues, I plan to ensure all information is verified and I will only use reliable

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