
Examples Of Allegory In Russia

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Shortly after the Russian Revolution of 1917, a group conformed by landowners, middle-class citizens, monarchists, and militants arose in Russia. This assemblage was an anticommunist group, also known as the White Army. They believe in unity and a combination of monarchism, capitalism, and democratic views. On the other hand, the Red Army, also called the Bolsheviks, was fighting for dictatorship or a totalitarian government. This dispute sparked the Russian Civil War, which took place in 1917 – 1922.

Tsar Nicholas II, the ruler of Russia, was relinquished on March 15, 1917. He bathed in his riches and opulence, while the assiduous civilians starved and barely survived. The frustration of the people led to riots that Tsar Nicholas II tried …show more content…

Jones who similarly relishes in his wealth. Orwell seems to portray Nicholas II as ungrateful rich man that is unproductive and unfit to rule. The animals in this section of the story represent the civilians in Nicholas II’s kingdom. They are starving lower-class workers that are barely paid enough to survive. All of the citizens are working hard so that Tsar Nicholas II could relax in his luxurious home.

Suddenly a flip switches, Old Major, a pig, preaches, “ Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished for ever” (Orwell, 7). This triggered the animals and they started an uprising that drove Mr. Jones, his wife, and his workers. This allowed the animals to finally have the freedom they deserved. The days of starvation and drudgery were finally over. The army of animals has taken over Mr. Jones farm.

Old Major, also known as Karl Marx who was the founder of communism, initiated the rebellion. The animals that followed his leadership delineated the hardworking middle and lower class subjects of Tsar Nicholas II. The animals and the people revolted against their ruler them to take back their freedom and rights. The army of animals is also portrayed as the Red Army and Mr. Jones, his family, and his workers are the White …show more content…

Pilkington and Mr. Frederick, fellow farmers, Mr. Jones venture out to take my his farm which started the Battle of the Cowshed. Consequently, the animals outwitted the farmers by strategizing beforehand. The battle led by Snowball decided to play defensively by first sending out their smaller animals for the farmers to fight. The small animals slowly retreat, and Snowball sent out the second wave of animals that the farmer and his sidekicks were still able to defeat. The final wave included the biggest animals that trampled the Mr. Jones and his friends. Even though animal farm suffered one casualty it did not compare to the amount of fear and injuries inflicted upon the humans. “Panic overtook them, and the next moment all the animals together were chasing them round and round the yard. They were gored, kicked, bitten, trampled on” (Orwell,

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