
Examples Of Animal Imagery In Othello

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Diana Gonzalez
English IV Honors
11 April 2018 The Root of Evil
Nature seems to reflect upon humans and often times it can be through animals. In literature, animal comparisons are not only used to symbolize different characteristics, but to also make the plot more dramatic and interesting. It is often used by many authors because it gives the reader a vivid image as well as an understanding of the character. The use of this literary device is a clever way to expose underlying motifs and traits. In William Shakespeare’s play, Othello, animal imagery is used to portray the themes of good versus evil, jealousy, and racism which is influenced through the characters of Iago and Othello.
Throughout Othello, there …show more content…

It the only thing that makes him estranged from all the other characters. In the opening scene of the play, Shakespeare “exoticizes Othello with [his] references to him not by name but as, "the Moor," and as an "extravagant and wheeling stranger" (1.1.58 and 1.1.37)”(Aubrey 1). During that time black people were slaves which is why the racism in Othello was definitely racism and one of Iago’s forms of control. Othello earned his status despite his physical appearance, so its lowering to use that description of Othello when he is more than that. Furthermore, not only is Othello being outcasted in the play but also to the audience. It is set by Iago that the idea of a black man and a white woman together is inhuman. He constantly uses derogatory terms to describe to Brabantio To corrupt Othello and Desdemona’s relations. Iago claims that Brabantio will “have [his] daughter covered with a Barbary horse. [He’ll] have [his] nephews neigh to [him]. [He'll] have coursers for cousins and jennets for germans” (Act 1 scene 1 line 125-127 )if he does not do anything to stop them. Iago says this to describe to Brabantio what his mixed would look like. Moreover the animals he uses are not pure breeds which is what he want to emphasize to Brabantio that the act itself of Othello and Desdemona being together is bestial nut having his grandkids being mixed is something that Brabantio cannot stand to think about. Iago …show more content…

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