
Examples Of Application Whitelisting

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• Application Whitelisting As application whitelisting is the most effective strategy by the Australian Signal Directorate (ASD) having Nvidia driver whitelisted will prevent the effective driver from being installed on the system which will mitigate the vulnerability • Assessing Security Vulnerabilities and applying patches. By accessing the security vulnerabilities that have been stated by NVidia and applying a patch in a timely manner to the system will fix the security vulnerability. The purpose of using a CVSS score is to demonstrate the severity of a computer system security vulnerability which score ranges from 0 to 10 where 10 is the most severe vulnerability. It also details the risk it presents to a system. i. How it …show more content…

iii. The way of hiding inside the victim’s computer. Starloader is an executable file disguised as a JPG file, once opened it create a temporary file which will open in memory and execute the file. It then deletes the temp file so It cannot be removed from the computer As application whitelisting is the most effective strategy by the Australian Signal Directorate (ASD) having Internet Explorer, Microsoft edge, Office, Adobe flash player, Skype whitelisted from being used until the patch is installed will mitigate the vulnerability. • Assessing Security Vulnerabilities and applying patches. By accessing the security vulnerabilities that have been stated by Microsoft and applying the automatically download patch in a timely manner to the system will fix the security vulnerability. The attacker used a port scanner to automatically look for target websites that were susceptible to a major DDOS attack. The attacker prior to initiating the attack could access their servers though TCP AND UDP port 53 and was initially able to send smaller packets which lead to the attacker to gain access to over 1,200 domains Dyn oversaw. Weaponization It has been confirmed that the attacker likely weaponised 50,000 to 100,000 Internet of thing devices using the same botnet behind the Kreb attack using code known as Mirai,

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