Marquis Berkhall Ms. Parks 9th Grade Is Atticus a Good Father? I believe Atticus is a good father because he saved scout from a rabid dog. He is providing a good stable foundation for his children, at least he's trying to. He disciplines them and tries to keep them out of trouble. Atticus teaches scout and Jem self respect by setting examples for them. When Atticus decides to take the Tom Robinson case he teaches his kids self respect. After asked why he took the case he said that Atticus has been asked to defend Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman. It is a case he cannot hope to win, but he tells Scout that he must argue it to uphold his sense of justice and self-respect. He also shows scout and jem self respect by not showing off his God given gift. He taught Jem and Scout to have thick skin. He made sure to have them not allow someone to get under their skin. An example of a moment where Jem or Scout have to have a lot of patience for someone is when was throwing around the N word, tho she retaliated she didn't pay it that much attention. Another example is again when Atticus took the Tom Robinson case. …show more content…
A moral that Scout should be living by, by now is you should hold in your anger. Again he set a moral for scout and Jem by taking the Tom Robinson case because he takes it because if he didn't he would feel bad and he couldn't just deny a person's chance to be free because of the color of their skin. Atticus went through with representing Tom Robinson knowing he would probably lose the case. This sets a moral value for Jem and Scout because I shows you should still try no matter what you think the outcome will be. I believe the biggest moral Atticus teaches Jem and Scout is to judge yourself before judging
Scout and Jem’s decisions were impacted greatly by how much Atticus has taught them. The methods he uses to bring them up are differ greatly, and give his children a very different set of beliefs than the majority of the people of Maycomb. For example, he teaches them about empathy, a ‘skill’ that much of the community does not know. “You can never really understand a person... until you climb into their skin and walk around in it” (39). Atticus teaches his kids how to empathize with someone, giving them an ideal to live by. As a child grows up, a lot of times they inherit their parent’s belief system as well. He will continue his open-,minded accepting attitude into his children, and their future decisions will be affected greatly by Atticus’s
1) Atticus is an empathetic person who tries to make sure people are treated equally, and in the case of his children, that people should grow up and make a positive difference. Atticus shows his empathy by telling Scout to try to understand what Miss Caroline is going through. Harper Lee is trying to show that with empathy, everyone benefits, and there would be less hate and injustice. Atticus says, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” (Lee 39). Atticus is telling Scout to look at the world through Miss Caroline’s eyes, to see why Miss Caroline reacts the way that she does. Atticus believes that if Scout can see how scared Miss Caroline is, with teaching a new school in a new way, then Scout can understand what makes Miss Caroline act the way that she does. When Scout asks Atticus why he is angering the town by defending Tom Robinson, he says that he must, or else he would no longer be reputable. Atticus says, “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win.” (Lee 101) Atticus leads by example, and that if he did not hold himself to the same standard that he wants Scout and Jem to be at, then he is no better than the rest of the town. He knows that he is going to lose, but wants to show his children that it is important to do the right thing no matter the consequences or result, and
In this lesson Atticus teaches Scout that you must understand where someone comes from in order to show true sympathy and compassion. Now before Scout judges someone she steps into their shoes. Allowing her to show compassion towards that person and many more. She has learned that the most compassion you can give someone is sympathy and understanding. Jem also learned these lessons but through experiences and challenges he had to face and go through.
The Qualities of Atticus Finch In the movie The Lion King, when Simba feels ashamed that he went to the hyenas, Mufasa is angry and states Simba's mistakes, but he later makes sure Simba knows that he is loved by his father. Atticus Finch is an example of a good parent in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Atticus is a reliable and responsible parent to his kids, Jem and Scout. Some might argue that Atticus might be a bad role model because he did not stand up to Bob Ewell however, he presents himself as a caring parent and teaches Jem and Scout equality and fairness towards African American people and giving people the chance and respect they deserve.
Atticus teaches Jem and scout a number of important lessons which will help them in life. However tolerance is one of the most important, because if people tolerate one another then things like war or racism will not exist, and they are two of the biggest areas of conflict in the world. Atticus models tolerance for his children by taking the case of and accused rapist. He defends a black man even though most of the town is against it and treat him discourteously because of it. Scout went against her father’s wishes by not
In Harpers Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, readers should view Atticus as a bad father. Atticus shows how he doesn’t care about his kids by many incidents in the book such as: how Atticus’s activities are disapproved by society, how Scout and Jem show disrespect towards Atticus and how many people around Maycomb describes how Atticus lacks parenting skills. To begin one thing that makes Atticus a bad parent is how his actitivites that he does with and without his kids are dissaproved from society. When Atticus strikes the deal with Scout that they will continue to read together,he tells her she “better not say anything about our agreement” (42). When Scout asks neot, he replies, “I’m afraid out activites our activites would be recevied by considerable
Early on in the novel he says to his daughter “If you learn a single trick, Scout, you'll get along better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb in his skin and walk around in it” (Lee 38). Atticus teaches Scout a life lesson that you need to see things from people's point of view before you judge them. Atticus takes the time to pour knowledge into Jem and Scout, teaching them things that they will need to know, also he did not need to do that or teach them something, he is doing it out of love and caringness for the kids because he is a good
What defines a good parent? Who defines a good parenting style? Society, through parenting books and magazines, has discussed this at length, and there are obviously varied opinions. There are certain attributes that are generally used consistently to define a good parenting style. It is not discipline or respect, but the characteristics that stand out for a good parent are trust, love, listening and understanding. Love gives confidence and makes people what they want to be. In Harper Lee’s book “To Kill a Mockingbird”, these key attributes are used to define the parenting style of Atticus, the father of the 2 children, Jem and Scout. I believe that the author has defined a good parent as someone who loves his/her children unconditionally, communicates openly with them, someone who is there for them, some one who teaches good morals and values, and someone who shows them right from wrong. Harper Lee has intelligently demonstrated these characteristics by contrasting the parenting styles of Atticus (the good parent) vs. Bob Ewell, who plays the role of the antagonist in the book, and is portrayed as a bad parent. Both of these men are single parents, and the book therefore does not have much opportunity to view the role of the mother in the upbringing of the children. To illustrate this, the author has cleverly used the examples of 2 women, Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra, to share her thoughts on the importance of a woman’s role in a child’s life. Though these women
I disagree that Atticus is a “total failure as a parent”. The reasons for my disagreements are the absolute term “total” that is being used in the statement, the comparison virtue between Atticus and other fathers and his best efforts bringing his children up in a good moral way.
In Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, the main characters Scout and Jem, embark upon a three year journey of moral development in which they gain wisdom and understanding, allowing them to mature. In the book, they are taught by their father, Atticus, to be good, moral people. Atticus does this because he does not want his children to be instilled with the racist beliefs of Maycomb. Scout and Jem deal with the townspeople’s backlash against their father, who defends an african-american, Tom Robinson, in court, and they confront Mr. Arthur ”Boo” Radley, who they believe to be a monster. Even though Scout and Jem experience many of the same pivotal moments, the ways they deal with, cope, and understand their maturation differs greatly.
While Atticus may make some mistakes as a parent, overall he is an admirable father. This can be seen from the moment he shot the dog, and when he defended a black person in trial.
Atticus is a great parent. He does many things that make him a great parent such as, being respectful, giving great advice, and he is very caring. To begin with, Atticus does not expect the respect of his children but earns it, this is shown many times, but the best example is when he tells Scout “We’ll go on reading as we always have.” (pg.41) he is showing he respects Scout because he believes she is smart enough to read and agrees more with Scout than her teacher. Secondly, he gives them great advice, when Scout is upset about her teacher telling her not to read, Atticus tells her that she will get along with people better if she can climb into their skin and walk around in it. He makes her understand what is happening in her life and resolves her issue. Lastly, Atticus is very caring.
Atticus and his children both had to deal with the adversity against them because of the communities differences in opinion. They kept their integrity through it all with Jem and scout having their father’s moral advice and support to help them. Though many succumb to the pressures put on us, there are also many Atticus’s out there that have a moral and ethical conscience backing them up. They become a role model that breeds integrity through their moral practices. “Before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.” (Lee, pg.108)
Jem says, “Atticus ain't ever whipped me since I can remember. I wanta keep it that way.” (57) Jem is explaining to Scout how Atticus, again, is a patient and understanding man who knows how to treat his kids, even if they can be mischievous at times. Although not punishing your kids nowadays can lead to selfish adults in the future, for Atticus just talking to his kids does the job, instead of physically hurting them like most parents did around that time. Atticus says to Scout, "When summer comes you'll have to keep your head about far worse things... it's not fair for you and Jem, I know that, but sometimes we have to make the best of things, and the way we conduct ourselves when the chips are down—well, all I can say is, when you and Jem are grown, maybe you'll look back on this with some compassion and some feeling that I didn't let you down." (108) Atticus teaches everyone, especially his kids valuable life lessons, how to handle difficult situations, and more. For a single parent, Atticus knows how to control his difficult (at times) children, his job, and the rest of his life, proving he is even more of a responsible
Atticus is a very laid back parent which I think is really cool. My parents are very strict on what I can and can’t do. So Atticus’s parenting style looks like a very good way of parenting. I like how he lets his children learn from their mistakes on their own, even though he knows what they’ve done and could’ve easily punished them. He doesn’t make it awkward for them to have to own up to their mistakes, he doesn’t even bring it up unless it is something very serious that needs to be dealt with right away. For example, when Jem tore up Mrs. Dubose’s flower bed, Atticus punished him by making him read to her every day for almost two months. With my family it’s the opposite. If