
Examples Of Bravery In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Be The Change You Wish To See Often in literature as in life, characters and people witness and experience discrimination, racial injustice, under education/poverty, prejudice, and pollution. Regardless of the conflict or time period, the characters and people often become negatively affected. Among these negatively affected, there are always those who fearlessly stand up for their beliefs. Standing up for what you believe in also requires a great deal of bravery. In the following three speeches and novel - Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman”, President Lyndon Baines Johnson’s “The Great Society”, Shirley Chisholm’s “Equal Rights for Women”, and Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” - taking a stand with bravery shows. Although the time periods …show more content…

Also, other characters show bravery in less obvious ways including Arthur “Boo” Radley, Scout Finch, and Helen Robinson. They all impact the story greatly although they show bravery in subtle ways. First, Arthur “Boo” Radley. Boo shows immense bravery at the end of the story when he goes and saves Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell. While on their way home from a festival, Bob Ewell attacks them and tries to kill them in the process. Boo arrives to save them not knowing he would end up having to “pull something heavy”, this heavy thing was Jem. He saved Jem from Bob Ewell. This takes a great deal of bravery because Boo did not know what he was getting himself into. He did not know what he was going to have to do or even what he was going see. He also did not know if he would be hurt in any way. Boo took that chance because he thinks it is the right thing to do. Second, Scout Finch. Scout shows bravery in the novel as well. She defends her father Atticus in every way she possibly can. She also obeys him and does what he asks of her. For example, when she and Jem, along with Dill, follow Atticus to town and see him “sitting propped against the front door” of the town jail. They then see several cars pull into town. There were multiple men there and that did not faze Scout. When Jem and Dill follow, the men become frustrated and leave. Scout showed immense bravery because she did not know what the men were there for but she goes and protects Atticus anyway. Finally, Helen Robinson. Helen Robinson was Tom Robinson's wife. She showed a great deal of bravery because although her husband was on trial for something he clearly did not do, she held her head high and did not let anyone phase her. Whenever Atticus went to go see her at her house, she was polite and optimistic, never rude. She also has her kids be extremely polite to everyone although it must be tough

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