
Examples Of Code Of Ethics

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Ethics is not something people can choose to have or not and to follow or not in health care. Ethics play an important role in this area, establishing structures and setting boundaries. Fact is: a code of ethics should be shaped after citizens’ morals that abide by the law of a country and each country will most likely have a different behavior and by that will have different prospects leading to different codes of ethics.
A personal code of ethics does not come unattached from morals and values of oneself, that being said it should aid on the application of a professional code of ethics, which is established by the organization or association for that particular area. This paper will discourse about both my own personal code of …show more content…

I will always try to stand by what I feel it’s righteous and even if it’s not the most popular option, I will stand up for myself and my values. I do believe that by growing up by my parents code of ethics as well as having my values influence by my culture made me who I am, and because of that I am able to relate to many people and feel like I can solve dilemmas many people wouldn’t due to the diversity I have seen in moral and values and the level I am now able to relate to things and people in situations that call for the use of a code of ethics. The reasons I have thought about this is because I explored who I am and what I believe in, and what side would I take if there were sides. I want this code of ethics, not only to aid me on being a better professional, but also a better friend, a better daughter, a better wife, and a better mom when I do become one. I want to be a better example to my sister and to be able to tell her why I believe this is right or that is wrong and why I agree with things being illegal or legal and the reasons behind it. My ethics will help me explain myself to my friends when they try and influence me into doing something that in my heart I believe is wrong and being able to walk away from

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