
Examples Of Conservatism

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The ideology I have chosen to ensue is conservatism. A conservative platform is less government, creating self-reliant people, acknowledging strong values, and support spending to defend our nation. Liberals platform is with the assistance of government people can achieve equality for all. This ideology protects civil and individual liberties, yet looks to the government to solve individual problems. Fundamental differences between conservatives and liberals date back to the 1860 or prior. Thomas Jefferson encouraged government with limited powers, as time went on the conservatives fought for equal rights with a desired to abolish slavery. As a conservative, individuals have the right to a high quality of life. Empowering individuals …show more content…

Conservative value parents are the foremost experts in rearing their children, whereas liberal need a village to get involved. A conservative perceives they have the ability to provide housing, food, clothing, healthcare, education, and income for the household; compared to liberals feel entitled to have any program furnished by the government. Conservative have the prospection of being against the government, this is not true. Like our forefathers government is imperative to preserve a society. An unavoidable sphere is in defending our nation. The conservative establishment is strength in a strong military, supporting missile defense system. Liberal prefers peace by moderation, concurrence and considering other’s views; this is a soft approach without demonstrating dominance. Currently the United States is over $17 trillion dollars in debt, a concern every American should have. How and who is going to pay this debt down? Conservative arena understands the possibility to achieve a balance budget is through strong economic policy. Small business is the foundation of the American economy, which needs strength with reform in the tax code and health care to reinforce the growth in these businesses. People should have the power to prosper, free from government regulations, and reduce the burden of debt. The American dream is a probability for anyone to obtain wealth and a better life through entrepreneurship. Free market resolves the problem with national debt and balance the

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