What is courage? Courage is a value esteemed by all, but rarely obtained by an individual. It is the mental or moral strength one possesses to persevere and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. In simpler terms, courage is the opposite of fear. In the secular worldview (as displayed in Beowulf), courage is based on the individual’s strength, ability, greatness, and nerve, all of which are contrary to the Biblical worldview in which courage is about trusting in God. In Anglo-Saxon literature, cowardliness was the lowest level of shame one could obtain. All honor was removed and respect depleted if a warrior did not display bravery in battle. Men had to be strong in appearance and deeds; anything less than that was disgraceful. Courage was so highly regarded that many, including Beowulf himself, believed that fate might even change for someone who displayed this noble trait. Beowulf expresses himself in lines 572-573 as he says, “Fate, often saves an undoomed man when …show more content…
Today, courage is not portrayed in fierce warriors slaying dragons or wrestling sea monsters, but is it still relevant. Immediately, one may think of soldiers, police officers, or firefighters as examples of courage. Rightly so, these men and women face unspeakable danger and heartbreak on a daily basis. Their deep sense of justice is admirable to all as they seek to protect those around them, many of which they have never even met. It is clear that these actions are noble and worthy of praise. However, there are many instances where courage is seen as foolishness. For example, many young pregnant women are advised to have an abortion. It is the “wisest” choice for her situation. If she refuses, many would see her decision as near-sighted and reckless. On the contrary, she is choosing the road less travelled on, bravely putting her child’s needs above her own. Courage comes in many different forms and often goes unnoticed to the untrained
In the epic poem, Beowulf, by Heaney, Beowulf shows his courage throughout the story as he faces challenges after challenges.
Theme is the matter of a subject within a piece of writing. Throughout this essay examples of mesopotamian literature, old english poetry and ancient greek literature are brought up. The central theme throughout all these epics is bravery. I chose bravery because each one of these characters risks their lives to save others. The ability to take on life threatening battles is an extreme form of bravery.
The definition of courage is “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery” (“courage”). Is courage valued today? If courage did not exist, then the world would not be effective. Courage fetches the preeminent decisions and the impulsive decisions out of people. Dismally, people are frightened to expose their true colors. Consequently, this negative reason hurts people. Despite the fear, some rise up to the challenge of courage. Some people practice courage in a negative way as in reckless decisions. How can one simple word have so many outcomes? The answer is human nature. Human nature is what changes things for people. Courage, true courage, is not as common. Courage should be common. Edmund Rostand, who wrote the play Cyrano de Bergerac, shows how courage is used in different ways. Through his characters named Cyrano de Bergerac, Christian de Neuvillette, Comte de Guiche and Roxane, Rostand demonstrates the different types of courage.
Sir Winston Churchill once said “ Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision”. This relates to Beowulf because the epic poem has a lot of hidden messages. One of the biggest messages of the poem is courage, which Beowulf and Wiglaf both posses the trait of courage. This poem shows that courage is when a person sticks through it when times get tough.
Beowulf is a prime example of what it means to be courageous. In his fight with Grendel, he chooses “[n]o weapons, therefore, / for either this night: unarmed he shall face me / if face me he dares” (683-84). Beowulf has never encountered Grendel before. He has only heard the stories of the beast’s evil doings, so going into a fight with no protection requires great strength and bravery. Beowulf is the only man to dive into the waters to fight Grendel’s Mother. He goes into the fight believing “life doesn’t cost him a thought” (1536). The outcome of the battle does not faze Beowulf because a warrior should
Courage is an essential quality that is found in every archetypal hero. Courage is defined as the quality of mind and spirit that enables an individual to face difficulty, danger, and pain without fear. An individual is not born with a courageous heart, but instead develops courage through experience of difficulty and danger. The stimulation of courage is analogous to the growth of a beautiful flower. Courage starts off as a seed which is planted in the soil of the individual's heart. The planting of the seed is usually initiated by a courageous act during a time of difficulty or danger. As an individual experiences many of these dangerous and difficult circumstances, the individual's courage begins
Courage is a theme that is shown throughout the entire epic of Beowulf. By definition courage is the state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes on ones own will and determination. There are many things form the epic that could be used to prove this statement, but I chose to use the section entitled "The Final Battle." In this section there are two great speeches given by both Beowulf and Wiglaf. I believe that in both of these monologues courage is portrayed by the two warriors, and it is easy to see why.
In the epic Beowulf courage is an on going theme that is shown throughout the entire story. By definition courage is the state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes on ones own will and determination. There are many things form the epic that could be used to prove this statement, but I chose to use the section entitled "The Final Battle." In this section there are two great speeches given by both Beowulf and Wiglaf. I believe that in both of these monologues courage is portrayed by the two warriors, and it is easy to see why.
The epic Beowulf portrays the life of a well-known hero during the Anglo-Saxon period. Beowulf is known by many as the strong warrior who volunteered to protect the Danes. The Danes needed a fearless hero to save them after the catastrophe of losing the infamous Herot to Grendel, a descendent of Cain. In the story, it is made obvious that Beowulf is the “good” and Grendel is the “bad”. I consider my mom to be a Beowulf in my life because she shares the same three characteristics as Beowulf: courage, bravery and faith in God. When I think of the word courage, the line that comes to mind is "Often, for undaunted courage, fate spares the man it has not already marked.". (Beowulf, 572 - 573) In this line, Beowulf explains that if your fate has not been decided, then you have the ability to choose your own fate by having courage.
Beowulf, an epic poem, was written by an anonymous author who described the Anglo-Saxon era. During this era, Anglo-Saxon heroes were classified as courageous, generous and faithful. In the poem, the character Beowulf is classified as an Anglo-Saxon hero. People of the Anglo-Saxon era spoke what is now known as Old English.
What is an epic hero without courage? Well, not a epic hero at all. Beowulf has the superhuman strength, glory and fame, but he cannot embody those characteristics if he does not have courage to drive him primarily. Initially, the reader can get a taste of Beowulf epicness when he heavily boasts about his battle at sea with Breca. Due to jealousy, Unferth calls him out for his loss in the thrashing waves, yet Beowulf shows no embarrassment and even exploits Unferth for his lack of braveness as he claims, “The fact is, Unferth, if you were truly as keen and courageous as you claim to be, Grendel would never have gotten away with such unchecked atrocity, attacks on your king, havoc in Heorot and horror everywhere” (Heaney 590-594). He makes it clear that no one can deteriorate or match the courage that he beholds. While he the battle is brought up, Beowulf states that “Often, for undaunted courage, fate spares a man that it has not already marked” (572-573). This is inferring that if one hasn’t died yet due to fate, they can continue living their life through courage. This foreshadows the mindset of Beowulf and how he holds the theory of bravery close in his morals. As Beowulf goes on to explain this rigorous battle, he claims that not only did he swim for seven days in full armor, but also nonchalantly slayed nine sea
Beowulf first displays his courage during his fight with the evil monster Grendel. In the poem, Beowulf challenges the beast to dual and says that he will fight him with no weapon and armor to show his courage. “No weapons, therefore,/ for either this night: unarmed he shall face me if face me he dares” (Heaney 683-685). This shows how much courage beowulf has because he is fighting a descendent from cain and is taking him on without any weapons and armor. Secondly, Beowulf does not hesitat for one second and takes on the beast without any help, this shows how courages the hero is. “He was bearing in/ where he lay on the bed: he was bearing in/ wiht open claw when the alert hero’s/ comeback and armlock forestolled him utterly” (764-750). Beowulf then defeats the evil monster grendel by tearing off his arm and killing the beast. In the poem the poeple are celebrating over this victory while Beowulf is dissapointed in himself because he thinks that it would be better if he had the head of the beast rather than the arm. “If you could have seen the monster himself/ where he lay beaten, I would have been better pleased” (960-961). Beowulf does not realise that he was the only one who could defeat this monster and no one else could because they do not have the courage.
Courage is a trait shared by Beowulf and King Arthur or “Wart”. Beowulf showed courage through the many battles he fought . Beowulf went to Heorot in hopes of defeating Grendel, the monster that had been attacking Herot for the last twelve years. This was courageous because he knew that he could be killed, but he fought anyway because that's what he needed to do. Wart showed courage when he pulled the sword out of the stone. He did not want to be King of England, let alone at such a young age. He wanted to put the sword back in the stone or let someone else become King. Wart was courageous and became King because he knew that was his duty. These examples show that courage
Beowulf first displays his courage during his fight with the evil monster Grendel. In the poem, Beowulf challenges the beast to duel and says that he will fight him with no weapons and armor to show his courage. “No weapons, therefore,/ for either this night: unarmed he shall face me if face me he dares” (Heaney 683-685). This shows how much courage Beowulf has because he is fighting a descendent from Cain and is taking him on without any weapons and armor. Secondly, Beowulf does not hesitate for one second and takes on the beast without any help, this shows how courages the hero is.
What feeling emerges in our hearts when we hear the word “Courage”? Profound respect, fear, regards or may be...nothing. This word has a long history and its starting point is from the Latin word coraticum. The root "cor" signifies "heart". Recently, after the world entered English through French it was finished with an English suffix –age, which denotes action or the consequence of action. So actually it signifies an action that originates from a heart, or strictly speaking it is a respectable action. The topic of this essay is the explanation of the contemporary definition of “courage”. In what sense is this word utilized by contemporary individuals? The primary explanation of the use of this term is to portray individuals who have a quality of thinking that permits them to face risk without apprehension, which is likewise alluded to as fearlessness or daring. The definitions of this word are various; however since the world around us changes, the definitions change as well. For example, if I discuss the autonomy of word I can define "courage" as "the individual's strength to express what he thinks on this case". In this essay, I am going to tell that how society or the dictionary defines the word courage and then I will explore my new and intriguing definition of courage.