
Examples Of Craft Techniques In Red Scarf Girl

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Author’s Craft: How is your nonfiction author using craft techniques to keep the central idea true? What is your author doing that also incorporates his/her perspective in the theme? (Look at the Informational Author’s Craft Techniques and Goals BELOW for ideas.)
In Red Scarf Girl, I noticed one huge author’s craft technique throughout the story. The author used a lot of inner thinking. This makes sense, since the story is the author telling her own story. The inner thinking really shows the main character’s biggest conflict: her debating whether or not she should stick with her family or take her own path and follow society. She is always thinking about this and the two sides to it. Jiang doesn’t know what is right, and she is always thinking about that to herself. Another small technique I noticed was dialogue. In some books, there’s not a lot of dialogue but I really noticed it in Red Scarf Girl. This really helped to show the two sides to Jiang’s conflict.
When she’s talking to say a Liberation supporter, the way they are talking shows how Jiang supports that side. On the other hand, when Jiang is …show more content…

There could be lots of violence, mature content, bad language, and more. In the book The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas, there were two main reasons that could be why the book was banned. The first (and most obvious) reason why The Hate U Give could’ve been banned is language. There is a lot of bad and inappropriate words used in this book. Throughout the story, many of the characters would express their emotions with profanity. This helps set the climate and mood of the story as well. While it is a good reason to ban a book, it does help the story better explain each character and the lives they live. The main character, Starr, is always cursing around her family, and they do the same. This really helps to show their relationships and how close they

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