
Examples Of Dehumanization In Fahrenheit 451

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Technology causes dehumanization; this is especially evident in Mildred's operator. He feels nothing for Mildred; he does not care about her well-being, and he does not care how Montag feels: "…'Leave that stuff in the blood and the blood hits the brain like a mallet, bang, a couple thousand times and the brain just gives up, just quits.' 'Stop it!' Said Montag." (Bradbury 12). The operator is so impersonal because the technology is doing all of the work for him. All he has to do is look through the eye, and that is not even required in this operation. The operator is so dehumanized he does not recognize the pain that he is causing Montag; he continues talking about the subject that is quite obviously bothering him. The very fact that machines

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