
Examples Of Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

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A fact about the 1930s is “The number of lynchings of blacks in the United States during the Great Depression peaks at twenty-eight” (Black 1). Also showing how mistreated different colored people were back then is another fact shown “Approximately 40 percent of black workers in the nation in the 1930s were farm laborers, sharecroppers, and tenant farmers” (Black 1). All of the colored people had the hard jobs that were difficult to do. In To Kill A Mockingbird discrimination is shown throughout the whole book with different characters. This was in the time frame of 1930s. Discrimination was relevant in this time period. The Blacks were not treated fairly as a normal human being only because of their skin color and other people were not looked …show more content…

People are born with these things that are a problem, but they can not help them. Examples are race, age,and gender. There has always been discrimination over race. Coming to America, many blacks were slaves. They were not allowed anywhere that white people were. Also, they could not even drink from the same water fountains. To this day colored people still do not get the same equality it states it directly saying “Whites earn more than Blacks and Hispanics regardless of gender” (“Examples of discrimination in society today”). They can not change the color of their skin or even the way they look. Another thing that people can not help is the age they are. An article online talks about how two sisters are working at the same job and they resigned because they felt mistreated. It says “The tribunal found that they were “not treated with the respect they deserved as employees” and the employer did not treat an older employee in the same way” (Simpson 1). This is showing that people can treat you wrong when you are either younger or older. They discriminate them because they are not the same age. The third and final thing people discriminate people that can not help it is gender. Back then women were not aloud to wear pants only because they were not men. Today in the real world women do not get paid as much as men it says it in the article from Personnel Today “We can see from the above table that women’s average incomes are lower than men’s in nearly all job categories” (“Examples of discrimination in society today”). In this paragraph race, age, and gender were mentioned because they all are things people get mistreated or discriminated

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