A fact about the 1930s is “The number of lynchings of blacks in the United States during the Great Depression peaks at twenty-eight” (Black 1). Also showing how mistreated different colored people were back then is another fact shown “Approximately 40 percent of black workers in the nation in the 1930s were farm laborers, sharecroppers, and tenant farmers” (Black 1). All of the colored people had the hard jobs that were difficult to do. In To Kill A Mockingbird discrimination is shown throughout the whole book with different characters. This was in the time frame of 1930s. Discrimination was relevant in this time period. The Blacks were not treated fairly as a normal human being only because of their skin color and other people were not looked …show more content…
People are born with these things that are a problem, but they can not help them. Examples are race, age,and gender. There has always been discrimination over race. Coming to America, many blacks were slaves. They were not allowed anywhere that white people were. Also, they could not even drink from the same water fountains. To this day colored people still do not get the same equality it states it directly saying “Whites earn more than Blacks and Hispanics regardless of gender” (“Examples of discrimination in society today”). They can not change the color of their skin or even the way they look. Another thing that people can not help is the age they are. An article online talks about how two sisters are working at the same job and they resigned because they felt mistreated. It says “The tribunal found that they were “not treated with the respect they deserved as employees” and the employer did not treat an older employee in the same way” (Simpson 1). This is showing that people can treat you wrong when you are either younger or older. They discriminate them because they are not the same age. The third and final thing people discriminate people that can not help it is gender. Back then women were not aloud to wear pants only because they were not men. Today in the real world women do not get paid as much as men it says it in the article from Personnel Today “We can see from the above table that women’s average incomes are lower than men’s in nearly all job categories” (“Examples of discrimination in society today”). In this paragraph race, age, and gender were mentioned because they all are things people get mistreated or discriminated
To Kill a Mockingbird is a book centered around prejudice. The three main prejudices it shows is class, gender and race. Harper Lee is trying to teach everyone that these prejudices are very bad and that we need to learn to not judge someone by their looks or by male or female. In the beginning of the novel, the story begins by the kids trying to get Boo Radley to come out of his house. They think that Boo was being punished by staying in his house. Later in the novel it switches gears to the Tom Robinson trial. Tom was a black man accused of rape which he didn’t commit. Because of the color of his skin the jury ruled him guilty. Finally, at the end of the story Bob Ewell tries to murder or kidnap Jem and Scout to get revenge at Atticus for going against him. Later that night, they meet Boo for the first time and learned that he saved them and killed Bob Ewell.
Prejudice should not exist in this world. But unfortunately, it does and it always will somehow. The book, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is an inspiring book and brings out hard truths about how the world used to be, about the great depression, and in some aspects how it still is today. It follows a girl named Scout and her family through three years of her childhood. Her father, Atticus Finch, took on a very big challenge to defend a negro for raping a girl. The book sort of revolves around this event. Prejudice is in many different forms of discrimination. Throughout the book it is demonstrated by race, class, and gender.
The level of prejudice and hypocrisy in Maycomb and the world was overwhelming in this book. Throughout this story there are many examples of the amount of prejudice in the world. In Scout’s Current Events period, a student brought up that Adolf Hitler was “after the Jews” and that he was persecuting them. Scout’s teacher Miss Gates then goes on to explain why she thinks that Jews were being mistreated. Miss Gates claims that the persecution of the Jews is “one of the most terrible stories in history”.
If I had to define prejudice, I would say a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. There are many examples of prejudice in To Kill a Mockingbird. To Kill A Mockingbird (TKAM) is about Scout Jem and Dill who learn valuable life lessons. They watch a trial of a black man accused of raping white women unfold.Throughout TKAM you can see Harper Lee is saying that nobody is born prejudice but throughout their childhood, it is learned. Throughout TKAM we can see how the kids learn prejudice through race, class, and gender.
(A)Prejudice: a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.(C) The most important piece of information that scout learns from her father is , “‘you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it”’(39). In Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird , Scout learns many lessons on how to deal with racism and prejudice, and how to consider a person...as a normal person. Scout learns to walk in another person's shoes before she judges them. Boo Radley, Atticus Finch, and Tom Robinson are all misperceived by the people of Maycomb, and have more good qualities than meets the eye.
Discrimination is an ever-occurring problem in To Kill A Mockingbird. The setting of this novel is in Maycomb, Alabama, a fictional town, in the 1930s (Lee, 1960). Discrimination is a compounding issue on top of the Great Depression. “The Great Depression (1929-39) was the deepest and long-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world” (History.com, 2009). The stock market crashed, which left everyone on edge and wondering how they would survive and continue their lives.
The mockingbird is a type of bird commonly found in North America. It sings and imitates the sounds of other birds and animals. It is considered a sin to kill a mockingbird because all they do is sing and never eat crops. They are comparable to the people who get criticized for nothing, they are both innocent. Hatred in society takes many different forms such as racial, disability, and religious prejudice. Prejudice has been happening for a long time and still happens everyday. Everyone can experience prejudice differently, whether they experience it personally, or experience it with a large group. Continuing hatred is a real problem today. Many people have been taking a stand against it through protests and fighting for their rights. In
With the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, What are attributes from its time period that show hate and discrimination? How do these tend to show up in today’s society? Have we seen any changes? With what changes have been seen, how can we apply this to further improvements? Why can this process seem so difficult? These questions really stand out to me because I am fascinated with how our society today is different from society in the past. I also wanted to go more into depth on the psychological reasonings behind why these behaviours are seen in human nature.
In “To Kill A Mockingbird,” the author includes many forms of discrimination in different ways. In that time of history, it was known to the world that blacks were lower than them on every level on life. Also in that point in history, gender was also discriminated. People in the classroom and even how much money you owned was also discriminated against people. In “To Kill a Mockingbird,” all these forms of discrimination are used in different ways.
In the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee there are many types of prejudice and racial discrimination. Sleepy Maycomb, like other southern towns, suffers considerably during the Great Depression. Poverty reaches from the privileged families, like the Finches, to the Negroes and “white trash” Ewells, who live on the outskirts of town. Harper Lee paints a vivid picture of life in this humid Alabama town where tempers and bigotry explode into conflict. Not to mention race, gender, and, socioeconomic discrimination really impacts the community of Maycomb.
Aman Gill Ms.Prete ENG 2D1 05/05/15 Discrimination: Cause & Effect Discrimination is defined as making distinctions and judgments based on a person’s membership in a certain group. When discrimination is applied, it tears that person or group of people away from the whole of society, marking them as different or abnormal. Through the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, she displays many incidents of this destructive act. Using mainly racism, sexism and classism, Harper Lee illustrates the ways in which discrimination negatively impacts society.
The United States, for hundreds of years, was what the majority of the world looked at as the prime example of racism and discrimination. A pitiful example of how humans can treat each other under the right conditions. The lynching, torture and outright cold-blooded murder of African-Americans in the USA. This behaviour was evident (mostly within the South) after the influential “Plessy v. Ferguson” in 1896 onward, up until the Civil Rights movements which managed to squash much of the institutional discrimination. One could see a manifestation of this in 1960, with Harper Lee releasing the classic racial commentary “To Kill a Mockingbird”, she managed to illuminate many injustices faced by the Black communities in the deep South scrutinising
Why does discrimination still exist in today’s society? There have been many documentaries and novels published describing the traumatic lives of hundreds of people dealing with widespread discrimination. Unfortunately, inequity is evident in everyday situations, whether it be social, gender or racial discrimination. Throughout Harper Lee’s, To Kill A Mockingbird, Lee uses characterization to illuminate the main theme of discrimination. Atticus and Scout Finch, and Boo Radley are illustrated to racial, gender and social discrimination respectively.
In today's society we come across subtle racism so much, it is almost always overlooked. Subtle or convert racism are small thoughtless actions that reflect racism, much like being ignored or being treated differently because of a persons' skin colour. This form of racial discrimination is often based on fears and/or racial stereotypes. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird we come across subtle discrimination shown to Tom Robinson by Mr. Gilmer, the prosecutor in his trial. Mr. Gilmer refers to Tom Robinson as "boy", in contrast Mayella is referred to as "Miss Mayella" or "Ma'am". Treating Tom differently (with lack of respect) than Mayella even if its the same situation but for the colour of his skin is subtle discrimination. Shouldn't everyone
Prejudice: noun. “Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience” (Dictionary). Prejudice is one of the most relevant things in the lives of two children, Jem and Scout, in a small town, Maycomb, Alabama. It’s the 1930s, the Great Depression has already hit, and racism has already impacted this small, innocent town. Jem and Scout learn what their town is hiding by finding out who their neighbors really are. In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, prejudice is like a second language to the people of Maycomb. It is shown by gender, race, and social status.