
Examples Of Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

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" We came equals into this world, and equals we shall leave it, " - George Mason. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the whites clearly discriminate the blacks. They are treated unfairly and unjust. Readers are able to realize how bad the discrimination is once Tom Robinson had lost his court case. Readers who pay attention are able to still see how other groups and people are being discriminated today in modern society. People are discriminated for their race, age, situation, and even discussions. Just like how blacks are discriminated in To Kill a Mockingbird, today's society also discriminates gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, transgenders, and even immigrants.

Many people today are now being treated differently for what type of …show more content…

Parents of children who have a transgender child feel as if they should support them to be the individual they are or there are some who feel ashamed of their child. Children confront who they are and what gender they feel they are as a small child, tween or teen, and even some once after they are an adult. Transgender children have a hard time with school and what gender people call them by. Bullying occurs and some suicides happen because of how bad the bullying can get. Some children are not able to play on an all same sex team of what sex they feel they are. Transgender people also have higher rates of depression, drug abuse, and suicide. Yet individuals still make things harder on these people despite how they already hate themselves and their bodies. They feel misunderstood by their fellow peers and teacher administration at some schools. As they grow up things also get harder in the working field. They can not be hired for certain jobs because of being transgender and people can be bias. They also are not allowed to be apart of the military service. Simple situations and words can take a toll on these people. Especially since they can get discriminated in everyday

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