
Examples Of Diversity In Ecotopia

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Victoria Rackley
Feb. 3rd 2017

Diversity in Ecotopia
Ernest Callenbach pushes racial congruency in “Ecotopia” as a way to put more back into society. But, Ernest frequently writes about the succeeded country, Ecotopia, as a one race county and it is a distinct white vision that breaks the races into several cultures. We can relate the overlooked topic of race in the book to popular new reports or things on social media, we can see the book arguing the factors of technology and culture than discussing the relationships between the race and cultures in the country. Race is an overshadowed in the book and it plays the situation out. Since Ecotopia was written after the segregation period we wouldn’t really believe this would be such …show more content…

William Weston, is white and he shows the separated forms of what the future could look like, but the main ethnicity is white. For example, “there are surprisingly few dark-skinned faces on San Francisco streets” (Callenbach 107). It can be said that William Weston’s society got it right, but the idea recommends that Callenbach is writing to specifically white readers. He describes Ecotopians in the book, “a lot of Ecotopians look like old-time westerners, Gold Rush characters come to life, the Ecotopians are almost Dickensian” (10). His description of Ecotopians hints features of only white men. The people who were westerners were mostly white, as well as Dickensian. He isn’t reaching to people that could be reading, who are of color or specific cultures. The author seems to be promoting white power with these …show more content…

For example, Native-Americans did not decide to leave their precious land that they spent years cultivating, they were forced to leave. In the book, the problem was fueled by the white people. They created segregation because a white author constructs an appropriate display of it throughout the book. Then, they created isolation which is brought up with the misinterpreted whiteness in the black population. They are allowed to be black as long as it complements they white vision the author had for the book. For example, they are “a heavy exporter of music and musicians, novels and movies and poetry” (108). The positives of Ecotopia are explained by the ethnicity of the author and therefore Ecotopia becomes overpowered by

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