6. Proposed Method of Teaching In this paper a method is introduced Dolphin Jump Style of Teaching that makes the attention level to be maintained during the lecture period and makes the teaching learning process a fun and easy way to gain knowledge. Why Dolphins jump? Dolphins World cites five possible reasons as to why dolphins jump out of the water: • to get a better view of the water and are therefore better able to locate food, • to conserve energy as Flying through the air consumes less energy than swimming through water, • to play as Jumping out of water provides entertainment and keeps their senses sharp, • to get rid of parasites that accumulate on the bodies of dolphins and • to communicate with their mates and other pods by jumping out of water. …show more content…
Dolphin Jump style of teaching is a methodology that directly implements the features of Dolphin jump in live classroom teaching style. We propose the five steps: • The teacher should provide very clear and concise view of the topic and application of a particular topic so that students will be able to get a better view of the topic and therefore better able to learn them and implement. They should be given real life examples so that they can relate why and how that particular topic is really interesting and he/she should know. It will develop interest in them towards
Bottlenose Dolphins are a very interesting animal. They have a fusiform (Spindle shaped) body that allows them to move quickly in the water. Because of the Dolphins’ shape they have bilateral symmetry. They also have a dorsal fin, flippers, and a fluke. However, Bottlenose Dolphins do not have ears on the outside of their bodies, hair, or hind limbs. The color of this type of dolphin is usually a light grey color to a black. Their stomach is white and sometimes has a pink hue. One physical adaptation these dolphins have is a telescoped skull. The skull is like this because it allows them to breathe more easily while swimming. Bottlenose Dolphins also have blubber that they use as insulation and vascular shunts that allow them to have cooling for certain types of organs and tissues in their bodies. Finally, Bottlenose Dolphins have sharp teeth that let them grasp onto their prey, so their tongue can push the prey down the dolphin’s throat. Bottlenose Dolphins have a range mass of 260 to 500kg which is 572.69 to 1101.32 in pounds. The average mass of the Bottlenose Dolphin is 400kg. Their average mass in pounds is 881.06.
II. the second reason is because the whales do a lot of turning since they cannot swim in a straight line as they do in the wild, thus bending the fin.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others- it’s important for students to be able to explain and be able to discuss the process into which they believe a problem should be solved this demonstrates the students understanding on the concept. They should be able to clarify and answer any questions that arise about the problem once again displaying a deeper understanding then just being able to memorize formulas/steps and solving a problem.
Imagine you are a dolphin swimming happily in the ocean with the other dolphins. Suddenly, you hear something terrible, and that makes you feel extremely uncomfortable. You swim towards somewhere “safe” to get away from that terrible sound. However, when you get in, you realize it is a trap! You have been caught! You might be sent to an aquarium or killed to be made into sushi. This unfortunate fate is not a dream, but it is a sad reality for hundreds of thousands of innocent dolphins. They are endangered of becoming extinct and their main predators are us, humans. Our society needs to do something to preserve and protect our precious dolphins. Dolphins should be saved because they are an endangered species, it is cruel to kill such intelligent animals and they are not even safe to eat.
How the teacher plans out the lesson and what materials are needed for that lesson must be done in advance and already set out before the lesson begins. The teacher needs to arrive on time to that lesson and be well presented and speak to the children in an appropriate manner. The teacher needs to address the
Everyone has heard stories of dolphins saving people from sharks. Turns out, dolphins will put themselves in between the person and the shark until the shark leaves. If a person is drowning, dolphins will push them up to the surface. Also, they will guide stranded people back to
At this point in time, it is getting harder and harder for a man to surprise the love of his life with an engagement ring and the word, “Will you marry me?” Countless men have gotten on bended knee on the beach, at a football game, cruise ship, and the spot where they met their partner.
Whales resort to pacing around the tank in circles to emulate the fast strong feeling of a swim normally done in the wild in an attempt to keep their dorsal fin upright.
The Spinner dolphin is a dolphin that is found in offshore tropical waters around the world. It is famous for its acrobatic displays in which it spins along its longitudinal axis as it leaps through the air. That is where the name “Spinner” comes from. It is a family member of the Delphinidae of toothed whales. There are 4 subspecies of the Spinner dolphin. But, the Gray’s Spinner dolphin is most common.
i. Understanding the learners learning styles can make my course to be engaging. Flemming (1987) noted three different styles of learning; visual, kinaesthetic and aural. In order to know which method(s) to use to benefit my students the first lesson on my course will centre around discussions on what they already know, the resources they are familiar with, and a learning style questionnaire which will provide me with information on preferred learning styles. Effectiveness can also be enhanced if I adapt my teaching style to give maximum benefit to learners.
Once have identified the students needs and have planned and designed the course I can then deliver or facilitate the learning. I can use different styles and activities to keep the students interested. I can invite comments and discussions to enhance their learning. This could promote inclusion of the quietest of the students and also give me time to carefully observe and assess their learning . I may need ice breakers and energisers at times and also maintain any ground rules that may have been agreed at the beginning of the course by the students. I must conform to codes of practice at all times ensuring also that I promote respect, equality and diversity. I will also try to embed language, literacy, numeracy,and ict
Bottlenose dolphins are excellent swimmers. They can jump up to sixteen feet in the air. Three to seven miles per hour is their normal swimming speed, but they can reach speeds of eighteen to twenty-two miles per hour. Dolphins also porpoise, which is when a dolphin swims fast enough to repetitively come out of the water and back under the water in one swift movement. This uses less effort than swimming fast at the ocean’s surface. When dolphins swim in deep open water, they often dive. They dive
Ever since I was young, I was always fond of the ocean. The waves that the sea created intriqued me and the animals that lived underwater were even more unbelievable. I found the dolphin to be extremely fascinating. Since the first time I saw one while surfing at my local beach, Manly, I was hooked. What I didnt know was the horiffic story behind those playful creatures I saw at aquariums every year. Whether it be on a primary school excursion or a family outing with my family to the aquarium, those “happy” looking creatures beyond the glass where no more than abused animals living a nightmare. So where did they come from?
In the past, the classroom setting was seen as very black and white with desks lined up in rows all facing the front of the classroom. In this setting, the teacher would lecture his or her students for hours on end. Following these long drawn out lectures, students would receive written exams over what they had just learned. However, this style of learning and teaching has become out of date and students and classrooms are all suffering. There is however, a better way for students to learn in a more creative and interactive way that will be more effective and fun for the students all at the same time. This study will be focused in the education field using the synthesis method of research studies. This study is focused on proving that when movement is implemented into the classroom setting, it creates a better learning environment for students and helps them develop a more permanent understanding of what they are learning.
No teachers are similar as well as no students learn in the same way. Every teacher has their own unique teaching style which is based on their educational philosophy, their classroom’s demographic, what subject area they teach, and the school’s mission statement. Up until now, teachers are looking for a system that will engage students in the educational process and will develop the students’ critical thinking skills. Moreover, teachers want the classroom to be in order and in control, but they also want their students to appreciate the learning procedure. These teaching styles can be divided into two approaches – the teacher-centered and learner-centered.