
Examples Of Dystopia In The Giver By Lois Lowry

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The scientific fiction story, The Giver by Lois Lowry, tells of a dystopia that provides all necessities for everyone that lives there. The world is free of war, pain, and chaos, along with colors. There are no elements such as fire, snow, or even sunlight available to the community. The people live in a flatland area with no hills or landscape elements. The government is controlled by a committee of people called Elders. The Elders control all the important choices for the citizens. An example of this is job selection which is based on a person’s volunteer hours. Also, the Elders make rules that every citizen must follow. The citizens live in a colorless place which offers quick treatment of pain through different types of pills. They live …show more content…

Also, some people try to save others from things that have befallen themselves such as grief or shame. There are some people out there who will try to create a utopia, so they can rule it for themselves. However, people never succeed and always unintentionally create a dystopia. It is impossible to create a utopia because everything has to be perfect and that’s just not possible. Everything in the world has a fault. It can be either small or big. Also, a utopia can take years to develop successfully leading to an eventual death by the creator. Some elements of the world can not be changed in the current day and age. An example is a death which no one can control completely. Life with imperfections is better than a more controlled society without individuality and diversity. Through imperfections, one can learn from their experiences in life. With individuality and diversity, people retain their personality instead of everyone being the same boring person. Every day is different and unpredictable with individuality and diversity. People make their own choices and carve out their own paths of life instead of being safely guided on an easy path. Those who take the easy path will eventually find how hard life is without having truly experienced it firsthand. The point is while the world may not be perfect, the imperfections in the world make us strive to become better and

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