Equality is the concept in which everybody is defined to be treated the same way. Of course humans today are still finding a way to get its definition correctly. For decades, equality was not only about blacks, white, and Asians, but rather, the women and men. In the film, The Great Debaters, its central claim is equality. The movie is not only a common metaphorical situation all Africans had to face during 1930s, but also anybody that was different from white, such as Asian people in general. First and foremost, Asian Americans had immigrated in the United States before 1965 with a small number of people including Vietnamese, Japanese, Pilipino, and Chinese. One of the most important groups was Japanese or Japanese American Community in
equality – It means that regardless of our race, gender, or sexuality, everyone should be treated as equal and given the same opportunities to achieve their best.
Equality- means treating people in a way which is appropriate for their needs.make sure they have fair treatment and access to opportunities even if they
Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably specific to their needs. Including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. Promoting equality should remove discrimination in all of the areas described. Bullying, harassment or victimisation are also considered forms of equality and diversity issues. Also making sure
Equality is the term for treating people fairly and offering the same chances, it’s not all about treating everyone in the same way, but recognising everyone is different, and they all have very different needs, but making sure they are met.
What is equality? Well, equality is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. Equality is a great feature of the United States but sometimes it's overlooked and forgotten. In Harrison Bergeron, they tried to make everyone 100% equal but it simply didn't work.True equality is defined differently in both Harrison Bergeron and The Declaration.
Equality can be interpreted in many ways, as we can see throughout the history such as racial, gender, and socio-economic equality. The Civil Rights emphasize that everybody should be treated equally and another view is the one represented in the story that everybody is equal. It is a completely out of reality to have a perfect society or no competition at all because how we could make advancements if the government was allowed to impose handicaps on the naturally gifted. The great thinkers would not be able to have new ideas because of the mental
Equality - is fair treatment and access opportunities for all regardless of differences like their ability, culture, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other group characteristic.
Also I am including recent immigrants from Asia in defining the terms Asian American Japanese American, for the sake of simplicity due to resource and time constraints.
Asian Americans are a diverse group of people who are among the fastest growing minority groups in the United States. Despite their minority status, they often surpass Whites in America and do so while holding on to their cultural values regarding family, education, and success.
Equality is to treat all as individuals; to respect race, disability, age, gender, religion, beliefs, culture and sexual orientation. For all to be open to opportunities, to be treated fairly and respectfully, have rights and equal status in society and for all to reach their full potential.
Equality means to treat everyone the same. Everyone should have equal opportunities and access to resources and services regardless of their individual needs or differences. For example equal access to a building for wheelchair users.
Equality is something Americans strive to provide and maintain. It has become an integral and necessary part of our mosaic culture. Even now to the point that when people think of America, they naturally think of freedom and equality. People of many different races, disabilities and creeds have come to the United States seeking the impartiality upon which this country was founded. The institutions of this country have relied upon it, just as it was the created by the events in the laying of moral foundations. The expression of America's citizens plays an extremely significant role in the history of equality in American society. In the pursuit of equality and the "American Dream," people have authored inspiring
Equality- being equal, especially in rights, status or opportunities. All individuals should be treated equally and there are laws in place to ensure that this happens. In accordance with the law, organisations have quality policies to ensure that everyone is treated equally.
Equality involves the perceived idea that everyone is created equal. Although this is a concept that is all over America, it is more ideal rather than a reality. Equality is the idea that individuals are treated the same, regardless of their race, gender, or religion. Since the founding of
The Asian American immigrants are part of the ethnic and racial groups in the United States who lives in the continent of Asia. Asian have lived in the United States for a long time. Throughout the history, Asian Americans have encountered segragation and discrimination during the periods of changes in demographics, economic recession, and war. They have been discriminated by school policies and practices due to beign different. Paul Spickard (2007) has said that Asian Americans was an idea invented in the 1960s to bring together Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino Americans for political purposes. Later, other