
Examples Of Existentialism In The Movie Crash

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After watching the movie Crash, I was left with the deep thought of what did I really just see? It was a complex, tragic story of many lives from very different ethnic and social backgrounds crashing together in life and leaving in the wake of it the consequences. I discovered several different existentialism themes throughout the movie. Existentialism is a twentieth-century philosophy that can be defined as the “existence” of human beings precedes their “essence”, that is, “historical human beings come before, and are thus the makers of, qualities and values” (McCutcheon, 91). In other words, Existentialism is the analysis of existence of humans that spend their entire lives making choices that changes their essence in the world. R.Z Smith defines it as “existence …show more content…

Although, Anthony would prefer to not fit the “stereo-type” of young black males, he confirmed it by his action which has the consequences of portraying him as fitting the profile he so feared. However, Jean-Paul Sartre’s interpretation of existentialism talks directly to this point. “There is no transcendent standard for morality to which one can refer, no absolute norm which can provide guidance in moral decisions,” explains Sartre (Sartre, 45). In other words, Anthony does not have a moral compass by which to guide his decisions, but yet he still struggles with his identity. This struggle must come from the choices of others which shaped the essence and understanding of who he is. Anthony, continued to struggle throughout the movie, until he encountered a van full of immigrant slaves whom he could have sold, just he sold the cars he was stealing. Anthony determined in his mind that human life was more precious than property and freed the slaves. How could he come to this decision? Existentialism exclaims the premise of his choices are limited to his external circumstances and that his decision was not predetermined by some inner

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