
Examples Of Freedom In Huckleberry Finn

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“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are.” (Jim Morrison) in this quote Jim Morrison ,a singer songwriter and some call the most influential frontmen in rock music, describes how freedom is portrayed in the world we live today, because so many of us just accept on what the world expects of us. A perfect example of what he is saying is in the Mark Twain classic Adventures of Huckleberry Finn describes freedom on many different ways for different people, and how people just like Huck who don't believe in what society says is right or wrong . Huck the rebellious little boy who just want to be by himself away from the chains of civilization, and then Jim the father like slave who wants to escape the chains around his ankles …show more content…

Huck is free as long as he's not with pap or being civilized by others, unlike Huck, Jim always has to be looking over his shoulders for white folk or slave hunters. “You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom” (Malcolm X),the thing is that Jim cannot truly be free until he gets to Cairo, gets to the free states, and saves the money to buy his wife and his children back to freedom with him, until then he doesn't consider himself free or in peace. The irony of this story is because of the Miss Watson's death in her will she sets Him free man. Now huck is already free but he doesn't believe he is.first of all he tries to run away from the widow douglas in the beginning of the book, and the reason he runs away is because he doesn't like how Mrs Watson and the Widow Douglas were trying to civilize him. Now he has a real reason to run away once pap captures him and basically imprison again to he uses his cleverness to fake his own death so no one would look for him, because his true freedom is in the wild with just himself and mother nature. Things start to change when he finds Jim on the Island “ I was ever so glad to see Jim. I warn’t lonesome, now.” (twain). Huck knew Jim before he left so he had a connection and him and jim hit if off right away. Jim was the father Huck never had Huck is a good kid who doesn't believe he is doing good, so he always feels as he is going to hell but even when he gets those feelings he still makes the right choice and he shows that a lot throughout the story. Huck and Jim look out for each other throughout this story because they are both looking for the same thing but they want the other to succeed just as much as they want them self to

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