
Examples Of George And Lennie's Relationship In Of Mice And Men

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Is George And Lennie`s Relationship One Sided Or Does George Gain Some Things In Return For Supporting? Introduction George and Lennie`s relationship is not one sided because, it help`s George not get pushed around, if George is ever going to be a father he has experience from babying Lennie around and, Lennie is always getting advice. Help`s George Not Get Pushed Around First of all since George has control in this friendship he has a great understanding of taking control so he would be able to stand up for himself.`` We run. They was lookin for us, but they didn`t catch us”(Pg.7). That is what George said feeling proud of himself because, he doesn`t want to be known getting pushed around. George is also not afraid of big people because Lennie`s big and Lennie is retarded so Lennie wouldn`t be able to control himself. Even with that George isn`t afraid. George has also never been in a situation where he was being pushed around so, if he is ever in a position like that he would be quick to get out because he would be uncomfortable. Help` George Be A Father …show more content…

``Uh-uh. Jus`a dead mouse George. I didn`t kill it. Honest. I found it dead” (Pg.5). Since Lennie is always lying to defend himself like that, George would be fully prepared for his kids acting like that. In tough situation`s George is perfect because, he has a say and, he won`t let anyone hurt his family and friends. Also, if George has to ever make a decision for his family, George is perfect because he`s

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