
Examples Of Grudges In The Crucible

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David Kim English II Mrs. Leiber 9/29/14 The Crucible: Grudges and Dissatisfaction Events In The Crucible, people suddenly turn on each other and accuse people they have known for a long time of practicing witchcraft and worshiping the devil. The town of Salem falls into hysteria, a condition where the whole town can not trust anyone anymore. In order to explain why so many people are afraid, the community begins to believe that the fear must have a definite origin(s). Miller demonstrates persecution and grudges in a tense manner. He grabs the readers attention by these fast paced accusations and the emotions that the characters feel. Grudges and dissatisfaction lead to many hysterias of accusations and bewitching and they all are chaotic and crazy. Some lead to deaths and others lead to arguments and dissatisfaction. Either way nothing good has come from the grudges and accusations in this book. In The …show more content…

The Putnams, jealous of Rebecca Nurses large family, blame Rebecca Nurse for killing all seven of their children. Rebecca Nurse is an innocent woman, but they need someone to blame, so they blame the nurse for the deaths. Also Martha Corey is accused of witchcraft by a man upset with her for not giving him his money back for a pig he bought from her that she did not take care of properly. Another great example is when Reverend Hale tells Francis Nurse that the only way to defend witches in the witch trials was to arrest Rebecca Nurse, “There is a misty plot afoot so subtle we should be criminal to cling to old respects and ancient friendships. (Miller 71) The only way out of an accusation was to blame someone else. The effect of the witch trials creates an opportunity for people to act on their long-held grudges. And because of this, many of them did act on this and it added to the time of the witch trials. This is again the key reason for the starting of hysteria in The

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