
Examples Of Guilt In Chronicle Of A Death Foretold

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Looking closely at the extract, explain how Marquez explores both absurdity(MR) and guilt (consequences) in chronicles of a death foretold.
By: Niyas Hafis

In the book Chronicle of a Death Foretold Gabriel Garcia Marquez he explores both magical realism and guilt. He uses different techniques to address the reader that magical realism and guilt been shown in the novel. Marquez uses magical realism to blend reality and fantasy so that the distinction between the two areas erases. By Marquez doing this the reader can get “the best of both world.” To able to enter the world of both reality and absurdity is very intriguing. He also tries to bring guilt in to mix it up with magical realism so the guilt is exaggerated and understood by the reader. Marquez also used magical realism to give use a central idea of what is happening in the book.

Marquez symbolizes the townspeople to show both guilt and Magical realism accompanied with the crime, he devised a lot of examples in the book to show how people felt with the fateful news of Santiago Nazar’s death. This point is supported by the dreadful news of “Aura Villero’s a midwife suffered from spasm of bladder and till the day she died she had a catheter to urinate”. This explained …show more content…

This shows that even if are said about what happened there could be a time where each of them could help Santiago and not let the dreadful thing happen to him. This cleared up by an example of placido Linero, Santiago’s mother getting bad habit of chewing pepper cress seeds and feeling remorseful for recognizing the omen”. Placido is chewing pepper cress seeds which is very spicy to get rid of the pain of her being part of Santiago’s murder. But in reality, she was not the cause of his death she accidently closed the door when Santiago tried to open the door and enter

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