
Examples Of Guilt In Frankenstein

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Frankenstein returns home for the death of his brother and realizes that when he arrives at the gates of Geneva that they are shut and locked for the night. Because of this happening he decides to go for a walk in the forest to the crime scene of Williams death. When he arrives he notices that his monster that he had created is lurking around the area. Seeing the monster Frankenstein knows in his mind that the monster was the cause of his brother’s death. Frankenstein had kept silent when he had the chance to confess everything, including his secret of the monster that he had created. He did not want the people to think that he was crazy for making up such nonsense, when in fact it was all the truth. Justine Moritz was the Frankenstein’s family …show more content…

She was later executed for the crime that she did not do. Victor has so much guilt inside knowing what is happening to the people he cared about the most. This guilt drives Victor insane to pressuring himself into suicide. Though he does not commit it for the love of his father and primarily for the love of his Elizabeth that keep him strong. Victor than decides to leave town and go on a special trip to ease and relax his mind at Montanvert. When he is on the mountain, he realizes that the monster had followed him and was coming at a full speed upon him. Victor yells to the monster to leave him alone but the monster only wants to talk and explain to him of his life experiences after he came to life and fled from Victor’s home. The monster speaks of how the people have reaction of fear towards him. The monster ends up spying on a family, stealing their food, and understanding how they talk to each other. He learns their language and their names to help progress in his understanding of the people. The monster realizes that they are living in poverty and decides to do the right thing and stop stealing their food and actually help them by bringing them wood late at night for their

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