Is it right for the white people to throw around the word “Nigger?” Many whites believe they are superior to Blacks and any other race. In the 1880’s the Jim Crow Laws passed, stating that the southern states were to be segregated. Recently, a black teenager was shot and killed in Ferguson, Missouri. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, a black male is declared guilty of a crime he didn’t do. Both of these events were guilty of racism. Every day Blacks are being killed by whites and we still say it’s okay, why?
The event in Missouri included a black teenager being shot and killed. It was stated that Mr.Brown was unarmed when shot by the white cop. People say that before he was shot, Mr.Brown assaulted Officer Wilson. While the other people say he has his
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He was first declared guilty of a crime he didn’t commit. After he was sent to jail to serve for his crime, he tried to escape and was caught, shot and killed seventeen times. The jury saying, “Guilty...Guilty...Guilty…” shows that Robinson was declared guilty and they took him to jail.
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When the jury gives these responses, they were not justified but based off of opinions. If Robinson was not Black, he most likely wouldn’t have been declared guilty, and the whole event would have been prevented.
Both events consisted of white cops being prejudice against Blacks. The Missouri event was due to black people being thought of as thuggish or violent. Before 1850, in the United States, black people were slaves, they didn’t have rights and weren’t to be trusted. Some people believe this is all still true, which explains why these events happened. An article mentioned, “The polls indicate this, that white people think that black people are less intelligent, less trustworthy, and less patriotic.” This quote shows how a majority of whites see blacks. In the end, both events were due to racial issues against the
First, I would like to turn to etymology. ‘Nigger’ is translated from Latin languages for the color of black - ‘nigger’. At the begining, it did not originateas a slur, but took on a derogatory connotation over time. It has been spelled in a varities of ways. By the end of first third of the nineteenth century, this word had already become a familiar and influantial insult. With the developing of European imperialism and colonialism, this word widespread not only in everyday speech but among scientists as well.
Michael Brown was an unarmed black man while Darren Wilson is a white police officer. Cases where police officers shoot citizens has happened before, yet this case has drawn attention from the world because the officer is white, and the victim is a black man. Brown’s supporters believe that Wilson shot Brown because he is black, but police have different stories about the shooting accident. People in Ferguson protests and demand the truth when there is not enough evidence to confirm which side is true. In the case of Michael Brown’s shooting accident, there was no racial discrimination in the case because Wilson was doing his job as a police officer and has not violated any of the laws.
On August 9th 2014 in Ferguson Missouri a suburb north of Saint Louis, 18-year-old Michael Brown was fatally shot by police officer Darren Wilson after allegedly robbing a convenience store. The initial dispute over the circumstances surrounding Brown’s death resulted in tensions and civil unrest in a predominately African American city, where a police officer had just fatally shot an unarmed African American teenager. A grand jury chose not to indict Wilson leading to his exoneration of any criminal wrongdoing by the United States Justice Department. These events received large-scale media attention and drew protesters from across the country, resulting in intense debate about the relationship between law enforcement and civilians, with special attention being given to what consists as an appropriate use of force.
On August 9, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri, Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson are seen robbing a convenience store. They were caught on surveillance cameras and someone at the store makes a 911 call and then police were dispatched to Brown’s location. When Officer Darren Wilson encountered Brown, Brown was unarmed but he assaulted Wilson, and Wilson shoots at Brown. Two shots to be exact. First shot was in the police car, where the altercation took place. Then the second shot was outside on the street, where Michael Brown was attempting to flee the scene. The injuries of the shots placed on Brown were fatal. Brown died shortly thereafter on the street in Ferguson, Missouri. The aftermath of this shooting was very outspoken and noticeable. Ferguson residents were greatly angered by the death of Michael Brown. Residents claimed that there was no justice in shooting an unarmed man, and that police officer Darren Wilson should be fired from his position and punished for the death of Michael Brown. From personal experience on what I saw from the media was very shocking to me. After the death of Brown riots broke out with protestors storming the streets, and looting of businesses. The police faced the riots in protective gear, and used rubber bullets, and tear gas to disperse the crowds in the streets. Eventually the governor of Missouri declared a national state of emergency. And the National Guard was sent in to protect the city. Finally the trial for Michael Brown was going to take place after several weeks. Prosecuting attorney Robert McCulloch announced that the grand jury decided to not indict Officer Wilson for any crimes in regards to the shooting of Michael
In the Ferguson, Missouri case involving a white police officer (Darren Wilson) shooting an unarmed African American teenager (Michael Brown), the worldwide media immediately claimed that the officer shot Michael Brown for no reason besides the color of his skin. Many rumors and assumptions spread like wildfire after white police officer Darren Wilson was found innocent by a judge of having purpose to shoot Brown.
This word “Nigger” is also known as the N-word is being expressed into everyday world of language when speaking to friends or strangers. During the 1870’s and 1880’s before the civil war, many showed racism and how people treated color skin people and how slavery became such a problem. By looking at In Defense of a Loaded Language by Ta-Nehisi Coates and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, one can analyze that this loaded word is important because a fact so basic to human speech that without it, human language might well collapse. “In Defense of a Loaded word’’ by Ta-Nehisi Coates document which acknowledges that the “Nigger” word is being stated as violent and offensive. ““Nigger” is different because it is attached to one of the most vibrant culture is inextricably linked to the violence that birthed us (source #1).”
On August 9, 2014 Mike Brown, an 18-year-old African American was shot and killed a by Officer Darren Wilson of the Ferguson Police Department. Mr. Brown was unarmed when he was shot and killed. The officer shots were fired when Brown allegedly reached for a gun out of the officer’s vehicle. Brown proceeded to walk towards the officer with his hands up and was killed in the act of self-defense. The officer was found not guilty, and the city reacted in a way that was positive and very much so negative. They protested and looted areas. They set buildings on fire as well as cars, and vandalized many stores of the Ferguson Community. Some felt the news, well certain news stations and or publications didn’t print the views from both sides. They
Randall Kennedy argues that the word nigger should be usable by all people as long as no one is being harmed. “There is nothing necessarily wrong
The use of the term nigger can be used as a amicable greeting between two blacks, or as a “hideous pejorative” (Marriott 94) towards blacks. Marriott notes that the use of nigger is usually condoned and used by younger blacks as a “term of endearment” (98), in hopes to gradually alter the meaning of the word. Their goal is to normalize the usage of nigger between blacks to “dull its edge whenever whites use it” (Marriott 95). This has been proved somewhat efficient, as most whites dread the word and express feelings of disgust whenever it is heard from the mouth of whites. Many younger blacks believe their efforts are stimulating a progression in society, but older blacks and the majority of whites assert just the opposite- it illustrates “anything
On August 9, 2016, a young, black, 18-year-old, named Michael Brown, was shot and killed by a white policeman in Ferguson, Missouri. There had been a robbery that night, which had two black males as suspects. The police thought Brown had matched the description and cornered him until other officers arrived on the scene. Brown had made a run on foot after being grazed by a bullet in the thumb. After this event, the whole case is based on witnesses.
The trial seemed very unfair and slanted in the police man’s favor; even certain state laws were blatantly ignored. In a predominantly African American community this seemed like a huge miscarriage of justice on behalf of the justice system of Missouri. In Ferguson about sixty seven percent of the population is black. The black community also makes up about eighty six of the people that get stopped by the officers. In the Police force, it is predominantly white; there are only 3 black officers on the force at this time. (Simmons 2014)
Contrastly, many older people in the black community feel that this word is disrespectful and is some form of internal racism, which causes blacks to remain inferior in society. But how can that be the case when we turned lemons to lemonade. We changed something with negative denotation and made it positive. Even Hispanics call themselves "essays" which is similar to the word nigger in Spanish. Also, the term "Yankee", which is a term that has described Americans for centuries, was once an insult by the British. So do we ridicule the founding fathers of this country for accepting this name? Even if we did not change the meaning and spelling of the word nigger don't we have the right to call ourselves the word (like the founding
The heated issue of police brutality and police officers violating civil rights has extensively covered media headlines for several years. Hundreds of people are killed every year by police officers, and many of these cases bring up issues of police brutality. More often than not, it is usually a white police officer and an african american offender encounter that sparks media attention. The shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri is just one of these cases that has caused a major divide in the United States. Michael Brown was fatally shot by Officer Wilson after an unfriendly encounter in the streets. Those who believe that Officer Wilson made the right decision in shooting Michael Brown, point to the fact that the grand jury chose not to indict him. Although Darren WIlson was not charged after the shooting of unarmed Michael Brown, some people believe that his actions were unlawful and he should have received some sort of punishment for his wrongdoing. Acknowledging all of the facts of the investigation, Officer Wilson did not act properly in the circumstances of the time.
In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Tom Robinson, the black man falsely convicted of rape, had absolutely no chance of a fair trial. There is proof of this in the time period in which it occurred as well as evidence from the novel itself. Tom Robinson had an unfair trial because it was his word against the Ewell’s, a white, trashy family.
The word "nigger" has become a popular saying amongst our current population. The word appears to be used more each day by an assorted group of people. I've conducted a research in order to gather a better understanding as of to why the word "nigger" is so commonly used. I've collected responses from my fellow class mates and read a book called nigger to acquire addition information about the different opinions brought on by its usage. In these responses were patterns that helped me to get better acquainted with this idea. Most writes provided me with the same answer, that the reason why people call each other "nigger" is because it is used in a positive way. With this information given, the next question that came to mind was is it