To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee where a young girl named Jean Louise Finch, or Scout, talks about her life in Maycomb, Alabama. The story is set during the hardest part of the 1930s; the Great Depression. In the story, many holidays are talked about, including Halloween. The mention of Halloween in the novel helps develop the characterization of Boo Radley and Bob Ewell.
Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31st, or All Hallows Eve. It is a night of candy and fun for us, but started as a Scottish-Irish festival “[...] or two major gods—a sun god and a god of the dead (called Samhain), whose festival was held on November 1, the beginning of the Celtic New Year” (Bacon). The day after Halloween became “[...] a feast in honor of all the saints (All Hallows) was fixed on November 1, and in the 11th century November 2 was specified as All
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She finally puts two and two together, and realizes who it is. She then says, “hey Boo” (Lee 270). In Chapter 30, Atticus tells Mr. Tate that he thinks Jem killed Bob Ewell by accident, but Tate continues to say it was an accidental suicide. Tate says “Bob Ewell fell on his knife. I can prove it” (Lee 274). Heck then shows Atticus how Bob fell, and Atticus finally accepts that what Bob says is true. At the end of chapter 30, Atticus says to Mr. Radley, “thank you for my children, Arthur” (Lee 276). In Chapter 31, Boo and Scout say goodnight to Jem. Then, Boo says, “will you take me home?” (Lee 278) to Scout, in a voice of a little boy afraid of the dark. Scout then walks him home. On the porch of the Radley house, Scout steps into Boo Radley’s shoes. She then realizes that Boo had watched her, Dill, and Jem grow up, watching them for most of their lives. Then, Scout goes home, and Atticus reads her a book and she says that a character was nice. Atticus replies, “most people are, Scout, when you finally see them” (Lee 281). This is how Halloween ends for
Scout identifies Boo as a mockingbird, equating that he is defenseless with purity, just like the bird. She can acknowledge his perspective in their town, as she knows the scrutiny he’d face if this were revealed publicly. This proves that Scout is growing in her courteousness and maturity after her exposure to the world’s harsh reality. Likewise, Lee indicates Scout’s attainment of maturity when she’s able to express her sorrow for the neglect the town has put Boo Radley through. As Scout walks Boo home, she reflects on the number of times she and her older brother, Jem, have made the visit outside of the Radley home, growing more curious every day.
Harper Lee’s book, To Kill A Mockingbird takes place in the difficult times of the Great Depression in the early 1930’s. The novel surrounds the life of a young girl named Scout Finch, along with her brother Jem, and their friend, Dill. Who are forced at a young age to watch the people of their small town of Maycomb not only receive, but also give prejudice to numerous, harmless people. Whether it be Boo Radley, a shut in who falls victim to the town’s gossip, even though he is constantly showing acts of kindness towards the Finch children. Or it be Tom Robinson an innocent man that Atticus, Scout’s father must defend be accused rape, and be convicted of a crime he did not to just because of the color of his skin. Throughout the novel, the people of Maycomb deal with prejudice in the forms of sexism, intolerance of differences, and in racism.
The whole time, Arthur was there, helping her and Jem. Through empathy Scout realizes although they might have never seen Boo Radley, Boo was there for them. Standing on the Radley porch, Scout sees the neighborhood in a new light and her empathy is further developed. She says, “Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them.
Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is a timeless novel that has been both accepted and refused by many readers. To Kill a Mockingbird took place is a town called Maycomb. It is narrated by a young girl named Jean Louise Finch, otherwise known as Scout, who learns how to deal with many things in her life. While learning to deal with racism, injustice, and criticism, she also finds courage being showed by many of her role models. The theme courage is best depicted through Boo Radley, Scout and Atticus.
All Scout heard was a lot of moving and low sounding noises and then Bob Ewell drop to the ground. Boo had used the man’s own knife against him and ended his life. Boo was a very caring and compassionate character but never knew how to show it but once it came down to Scout and Jem’s lives he finally had the courage to come out and save them and from then on was appreciated very much by the Finch family. “Thank you for my children Arthur.”
Scout struggles, with varying degrees of success, to put Atticus’s advice into practice and to live with understanding toward others. She doesn’t turn away from Walter Cunningham Jr. just because he is poor and made her get in trouble. At the end of the book, Scout succeeds in comprehending Boo Radley’s perspective. After she drops him off at his house, Scout takes a moment to survey the rest of the world from the Radley porch. “...Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough.” Scout imagines many of the events of the story (Atticus shooting the mad dog, the children finding Boo’s presents in the oak tree) as they must have looked to Boo. She finally realizes the love and protection that he has silently offered her and Jem from the beginning.
Scout is standing on the street watching the fire along with the rest of the town when Boo Radley puts a blanket on Scout without her knowing it. When she gets home and is laying in her bed, she realizes it. She tells Jem and Dill and if fuels their need to know more about him. Towards the end of the story, Jem and Scout are attacked by Bob Ewell. Boo Radley sees them and saves the kids.
Jem’s relationship with Scout changes as he matures in the story. He goes from a fellow conspirator and playmate for his sister to her protector, resembling Atticus more and more with every chapter. In chapter 4, they are playing a game enacting what they perceive Boo Radley to be like. Atticus interrupts the game and inquires whether the game was about the Radley’s or not. Jem lies, saying no in response. In page 40, Scout yells in confusion and Jem remarks, “Shut up! He’s gone in the living room; he can hear us in there.” This shows his mischievous behaviour and the fact that he is still
As To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee comes to a close in chapter 31 it begins with Scout watching Boo Radley, analyzing his very quiet presence. Without saying a word Boo nodded towards the front door, to which Scout understood he wanted to say goodnight to Jem. Boo stood hesitantly in the doorway, staring at him. With a little encouragement from Scouts inviting hand he heads towards Jem’s bed. “You can pet him, Mr. Arthur he’s asleep” After quickly patting Jem’s head Boo tightens his grip around Scout’s hand signaling he would like to go home, and then asks Scout softly if she would take him. As they began walking to Radley Place Scout reminisces at the light pole remembering the summer and waiting to see even the slightest peak of Boo.
Bob Ewell also tries to hurt Scout and Jem when they are walking home from the woods in order to personally attack Atticus and get some revenge, however thankfully his plan fails as Boo Radley shows up to save the kids who during the process end up killing Bob Ewell, thus putting an end to his reign of
Introduction: To Kill A MockingBird is a wonderful story based in the early 1930’s around the Great Depression. It has many emphasized life lessons that are still being used today, and shows an important role of how in the early days people used to think and act. This amazing book was written by Harper Lee, a great power stricken author of her time.
The book "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a story of life in an Alabama town in the 30's. The narrator, Jean Louise Finch, or Scout, is writing of a time when she was young, and the book is in part the record of a childhood, believed to be Harper Lee’s, the author of the book..
To Kill a Mockingbird is a book written by Nelle Harper Lee. It’s set in a fictional town in Alabama called Maycomb during the Great Depression. This story follows The Finch family (Scout, Jem and Atticus) during a case that Atticus takes on. Mayella Ewell and her father accuse a man of rape. Since this man, Tom Robinson, is african-american all the occupants of maycomb assume he is guilty. Eventually,
The Story to kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a book that took place during the Great Depression. The story talks about a town in Maycomb Alabama with Scout (Jean Louise Finch), Jem Finch, Atticus Finch, Calpurnia their housemaid , and later their Aunt Alexandra Finch Hancock along with the trials and tribulations that they encounter throughout the story in a racist town that is trying to change their beliefs of the people who suffer because of the community of the town.
“To Kill a Mockingbird” is a novel written by Harper Lee. It is set in America in the 1930s during the Great Depression, a time of economic decline after World War II. The novel follows a young girl called Scout Finch and her brother Jem as they learn about the prejudice and racism within their society of Maycomb County. The children and their widowed father, Atticus have a unique relationship that includes the teaching of valuable life lessons and unusual, maternal nurturing.