
Examples Of Heroism In Slaughterhouse Five

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Another example of this technique, which is frequent all over the novel is the topic of three musketeers which Vonnegut recalls in the first chapter when one of his colleagues is eating a chocolate called “a three Musketeers Candy bar”, he mentions it again in chapter five page 129, when Billy’s wife Valencia eats the same candy bar. It seems that the name of this chocolate reminds Vonnegut about the war and his friends which used to call their little group in the war “The Three Musketeers”. Slaughterhouse-Five attacks the preconceived belief that war and its members represent bravery, glory or heroism. Vonnegut condemns the idea of war as justifiable means to come to the peace through the character of Roland Weary who gets captured by Germans together with Billy. Weary is portrayed as unpleasant and cruel soldier sometimes he talks of the inherently Christian service. He names his gang of comrades “The Three Musketeers”, are performing by …show more content…

(37) The repetition of image of “The Three Musketeers” creates a connection between the first chapter, which is clearly a short introduction about the author’s life, with Billy’s experience in the battle and to his post-war experiences. Certain images and stories reappear in Slaughterhouse-Five, reminding the readers that even though the story is told in a temporal distortion everything is part of the whole plan. Vonnegut used the repetition of phrases as a narrative technique to help the readers to remember and bring back the focus to the story. There are various examples of this technique throughout the novel. Another repeated expression is the color “blue and ivory feet”. Billy has “blue and ivory feet” in the fourth chapter due to a malfunction of the heating system in his

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