
Examples Of Home In Jane Eyre

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The heroine of the novel, Jane Eyre, a 10 years old girl that remains an orphan after her parents died when she was little, embraces the struggles of life in her search of a real home and family.
With her parents and uncle dead, she did not have anyone else on the Planet to really care about her and show her the affection a child needs, therefore she constantly feels like she does not belong anywhere. Life moves her from place to place and it is not until the end of the novel that she finds herself a real home and encounters the feeling of being loved, craved, and having a family.
At Gateshead Hall, Jane was believed to be a bad, faked, monstrous little girl, hated by her siblings and constantly criticized by her aunt and nursemaids. Everyone …show more content…

However, the strict conditions she encounters at Lowood – semi-starvation, dreadful clothing, punishments (Jane is called a liar in front of the entire school and forced to face the shame), epidemic of typhus – do not resemble to anything a true home should look like. Regardless of the drastic rules and conditions, Jane is happy for having someone to rely on, someone that cares about and has her dear. She finds happiness in the little things: when having bread and tea at noon, growing a friendship with Helen, roaming around the forest with one of the girls from the institute, being devoted to her studies. After Helen Burns dies from tuberculosis, two years after she becomes a teacher at Lowood, Miss Temple gets married and Jane is again left alone with none’s shoulder to lean …show more content…

I had no intend to love him […] He made me love him without looking at me. » (170)
She admits falling in love with Mr. Rochester and hates the idea of him marrying Miss Ingram that he does not love and vice versa. Because of her little self-esteem, she considers herself not good enough for Rochester’s expectations from a future wife so she tries to keep him away from her thoughts. Without even realizing that Rochester had begun to love her long before she had.
When coming back from her voyage at Gateshead Hall, Jane experienced for the very time the feeling of truly returning home. Everyone welcomed her with warm and she then realized that her true home is where her heart is, to be more precise, in the arms of Mr. Fairfax Rochester: “Thank you, Mr. Rochester, for your great kindness. I am strangely glad to get back again to you; and wherever you are is my home – my only home.”

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