
Examples Of How Barbaric Were The Barbarians

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How Barbaric Were the Barbarians? When it comes to world conquering, the Mongols were the best. In the grasslands of Central Asia during the 13th century the mongol Empire rose too overwhelming power under the rule of Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan, which translates to “Universal Ruler,” united the Mongol clans under one leadership and then proceeded to conquer much of the known world. There is no doubt that they were barbaric, but when you put put all of the good and bad the Mongols did on a scale, which way would it tip? Barbaric simply means savagely cruel. Even though the Mongols were dubbed the term, “barbarians,” I believe that the scale would tip towards the good. I believe that their rule benefited the world more than it harmed it due to military and scientific advances along with cultural infusions that changed some countries culture. …show more content…

One of his most successful strategies was to have his troops act out a fake retreat than they would turn and attack the pursuing enemy troops while they were off guard. This strategy has been very successful and has been used by other conquerors, including William the Conqueror. Another battle tactic the Mongolians were famous for was when they would surround a fort, they would make it look like their numbers were larger by lighting extra camp fires and putting straw dummies on the back of spare horses. They would even have some woman and children stand far enough away so the defenders could not tell the difference. This strategy has been used many times after the rule of the Mongols to aid in intimidation in

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