What is the most basic human right? This human right is evident throughout To Kill a Mockingbird. It is the right to be treated fairly. This is taught to us mainly by Atticus. After the children are poking fun at the “poor or weird” people, Atticus teaches them and us why it is wrong.The main theme in To Kill a Mockingbird is to treat everybody fairly and give them an equal opportunity.
Every person has the right to be treated fairly in this world. This theme is taught to us by the main adult characters, like Atticus and Calpurnia. Calpurnia tells Scout and the reader, ‘“There’s some folks who don’t eat like us,” she whispered fiercely, “but you ain’t called on to contradict ‘em at the table when they don’t. That boy’s yo’ comp’ny and if he
“Racism is a disease in society. We’re all equal. I don’t care what their colour is, or religion. Just as long as they’re human beings they’re my buddies.” These words said by Mandawuy Yunupingu, are saying skin color should not matter and individuals should be treated the same because people are all human beings. Putting oneself in someone else's shoes and seeing what he is seeing and feeling is the main theme, in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the main character, is a lawyer in a small town that he and his family live in. He tries to win a trial about a false rape of a different skin color that he knows he will not win; but he does not give up. He keeps trying with all his might to win. Atticus is trying to set an amazing example for his children, Scout and Jem. When Bob Ewell, the person against Atticus on the trial, spits on Atticus
In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, injustice is a main theme that is reflected towards many characters. To Kill a Mockingbird, is a novel written by Harper Lee and published in the nineteen-sixties. Many characters in the story are treated unfairly in society due to racial or prejudicial attitudes. Overall these characters are innocent victims of injustice. Atticus, Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson are considered to be mockingbirds in the novel. A mockingbird was defined as a bird that did nothing wrong, but sang beautiful music for us to hear. These characters did nothing wrong and were treated unfairly in their town. In this different society, there are many factors that have had an influence on people’s perceptions towards others.
Learning Right from Wrong In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, a Universe of Moral Obligation is present. Moral obligation is defined by the acts of which someone is required to do something based on their unique situation. Because Scout is influenced by the surrounding people, she is able to learn from them and grow morally. After Scout’s first day at school, Atticus takes the opportunity to use Scout’s problems as a way to teach her about compromise.
As you may be able to tell the youth saw a lot of bad things, and it doesn’t even stop there. Injustices were heavily displayed in Macomb such as Tom Robinson’s case. They knew Tom was an innocent man, but he still got charged as guilty. Tom didn’t rape Mayella, but in fact he the only connection to someone outside of her home. He helped her out when she needed it and talked to her, but she still accused him to save herself. I think this probably had a negative effect on the kids outlook on life, but at the same time they could grow to change it. Another injustice is Boo Radley’s situation with the town. Boo hadn’t done what the rumors claimed he had and he still suffered from them. The world became too much to handle so he locked himself
Privilege creates dominance and dominance creates prejudice. A privilege is a benefit generally in wealth and social status, which is only given to a person or group. People who have privilege holds the capability to achieve what they desire because they have more freedom and access to resources they need such as, education. People have rights usually fall into believing that they are in control, and powerful than others, therefore resulting in segregation, disparity, and unfairness. Furthermore, prejudice is opinions of people or individual without reasonable feelings, knowledge, and thought especially of a hostile environment regarding an ethnic, social, racial, or religious group.
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” - Martin Luther King Jr. The text To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee, and the documentary “ The Untold Story of Emmett Till” directed by Keith Beauchamp both share the same opinions on justice and injustice in society. Harper Lee and the Untold story of Emmett Till are suggesting that injustice is created upon lies and guilt from others. We need to stop assumptions about other people because of their background and race. All things can come to good terms when people are treated fairly and equally because we are all humans.
In Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”, Tom Robinson suffers the injustices of racism due to the community mindset that most people have in which they cannot see things from the perspective of another and therefore cannot possibly understand them. The jury deliberating Tom’s case is made up of people who have grown up in a world of segregation and discrimination; their society has inculcated this mindset into Tom’s jury. This jury “couldn’t be fair if they tried. In [those] courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always wins.
The novel “To kill a mockingbird” demonstrates the theme of racism through the various situations that occur within the book. Atticus’s decision to defend Tom Robinson begins to have a deep effect on the Finch family. This is demonstrated by the Finch family receiving many racist comments from various people. The next example of racism is demonstrated when Calpurnia, Scout, and Jem go to a church where only “black” people attend, and the Finch family gets discriminated. Later, when Calpurnia, Scout and Jem got home, Scout asked Atticus if she could go to Calpurnia’s house, but Scout’s aunt said “no”. This is because Calpurnia’s neighborhood has too many “black people” which is a “bad influence” on Scout. Through these situations, it is clear
“ You never understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” ( Atticus Finch, TKAM). There are two characters that come to mind when thinking of this theme. Elie Weisel the main character from the novel Night a horrendous first person point of view from the Holocaust and Tom Robinson a black man falsely accused because of his race from To Kill A Mockingbird. Both of these people are quickly judged because of their race/ religion. In conclusion, both of these characters demonstrate that individual freedoms are limited by one’s ethnicity.
In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the theme of social justice is shown through the character of Scout as she learns to handle conflict in her community. Social justice is an important element of the novel. This theme is evident early in the novel when Scout defends Walter Cunningham from his teacher. Scout understands that Walter did not bring his lunch to school because he is living in poverty, but is too proud to accept money or help. His young teacher does not understand this and tries to give Walter money for his lunch, thinking that she is doing a kind deed.
Exploration of Human Morality Bo Bennett once said, “Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization.” This statement by Bennett exemplifies the development of many initial characters within the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird. In the book, author Harper Lee is trying to illustrate the key theme of understanding. Scout ultimately makes the characteristic transition from innocence to maturity/understanding.
Racism is one of the issues of social justice in Maycomb, "Negroes" were treated unfairly and poorly. In Maycomb around 1930, the white was more privileged than the black. There were many acts of racism towards black people, and the unfair decision of Tom Robinson's trial was a major part of the novel and presented realistic actions of a court and jury towards a black individual in the 1900's. Social justice is presented in this novel by Atticus Finch defending Tom Robinson (a negro) and attempting to allow him to walk out of the courtroom as an innocent man. As he should've been an innocent man, he was found guilty because of the prejudice that lies within the courtroom. The people of Maycomb believed
Throughout the Great Depression Era existed the vast injustice of the African Americans all throughout the United States. In the county of Maycomb, the main setting for To Kill A Mockingbird reveals the true injustice and ignorance that was conveyed by its residents, both white and black. An important character from TKAM is Tom Robinson, he symbolizes the injustice, disrespect, etc. he and the majority of the black community sustained throughout every corner of the town and even in a courtroom. The true ignorance is quite obvious amongst most white people in the south, like Mrs. Dubose.
Morality and Ethics in To Kill a Mockingbird Morality and ethics are some of the most vital qualities to have. It helps humans, as a group of people, to become the best version of themselves. It also helps show equality, respect, and to comprehend the difference between what is right and wrong. It is a behavior that enables someone to make decisions based on what they think is right. It is a quality that can be essential in almost anything.
Liberty and justice isn't attainable for all. In To Kill a Mockingbird racism and discrimination seems to be everywhere in the Maycomb County. This didnt just happen in a story it has happened in many cases over history. There are many cases in the story when racism overruled justice. One of the many occasions was the trial of the Scottsboro boys that was unfair and unobtrusively thoughtless. Racism is considered a disease in Maycomb county.