
Examples Of If I Were The Ussr Essay

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If I were the USSR, I would respond to the rebuilding of Germany, the Berlin Airlift, Nato, and the National Security Act by not trying to go hand and hand with the United States in terms of alliances and in developing military weapons. You could make the case that by the creation of NATO and the CIA, it was the start of the decline of the USSR. The USSR should never have put up a blockade against the Germans because it would later cause the Berlin Airlift which supplied Germany with supplies by the United States and British planes going into West Berlin. When Stalin decided not to challenge the Berlin Airlift it created a ripple effect to it. When the USSR finally uplifted the eleven-month blockade two new German armies were created: the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic. …show more content…

As the US and Canadians joined with ten other European countries creating NATO, (which was used to defend one another from an outside attack), the USSR created the Warsaw Pact, (which was used for the defense of Communist countries in Europe). However, by doing this, the USSR did not have many strong military countries which led to the decline of power in Eastern Europe. If I were the USSR, I would have never tried to split up Europe because it took away power from the Soviets. By the creation of the National Security Act by the US, the CIA more specifically, it put out spies to gather information on foreign countries. When the US made all the alliances they were really just setting themselves up for the Cold War because they needed to form alliances with non-Communist countries around the world, which they did in the NATO

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