
Examples Of Imagery In Macbeth

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The use of imagery invokes pictures with the use of all five senses. The readers can understand the emotions of the characters and feel empathy. Symbols are used to represent ideas, and to connect very different topics. There are various examples of imagery and symbolism throughout this scene.

“Here’s the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.” This quote is an example of literal imagery, because it allows the readers to imagine the smell of blood that Lady Macbeth is trying to rid her hand of. By saying that no perfume can take the smell away, Shakespeare gives readers a vivid experience that appeals directly to their sense of smell. This quote is also a hyperbole and displays figurative …show more content…

Out, I say!” The imaginary blood on Lady Macbeth’s hands symbolizes her guilt. No matter how hard she tries to forget it, and move on, she is ridden with the feeling of guilt. In the beginning of the play, when Macbeth's hands are covered in King Duncan's blood, Lady Macbeth says, " A little water clears us of this deed." (Act 2, Scene 2) At the time, she seems to think that they would be able to forget their crimes if they clear the physical evidence. But now, she is unable to sleep because of her guilt, and no matter how much water she uses to wash away the blood, they stay. Also, when Macbeth kills Duncan, he hears a voice cry out, " Sleep no more. Macbeth does murder sleep... The balm of hurt minds." (Act 2, Scene 2) Now, in Act 5 Scene 1, readers learn that Macbeth murders Lady Macbeth's sleep, and causes her to go …show more content…

While unconscious she confesses to all of her crimes. The Superego and the Id clash to gain control on Lady Macbeth. The fight between her morals, values, and ambitions are evident throughout the play, but her mental instability is clearly shown in this scene.

“What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?” This quote shows the struggle between the Id and Superego. Lady Macbeth worries that someone will find about their crimes, and fears the punishment, but at the same time, she believes that there is no one who can oppose their power, so she needn’t fear. The Superego is her fear of punishment for their wrongdoings because she knows it’s a grave crime. The Id is her pride on being the queen and having no one to oppose them. She believes that as long as they stay in power, no one can reveal their dark deeds.

“What’s done cannot be undone.” This shows Lady Macbeth’s guilt on killing so many people, to achieve her desires. She understands that she cannot right her mistakes, and her hands will forever be stained. By thinking this way, she deepens her guilt. Her behavior and personality is severely affected, as she starts sleepwalking, and becomes depressed and remorseful. This shows how her Ego was

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